Why I hate YouTube sometimes...

Star Bright

Right behind you.
A message I got from YouTube today:

try this and see if you get featured

Hey ya,

I was just browsing thru videos when I came across your video. I thought it was brilliant have
you ever tried to get featured. I know a friend that made a video with tips on getting you
videos featured. He is after getting loads of his videos feature using these tips. Here is the
link to the video


you have to fill in a small survey to watch the video but it is worth it.You should try the
Free How Dumb Are You Test see if ya can beat the top score of 101 I scored 93 was close lol.
I think you have a really good chance of getting feature if you go about it right I really liked
you video. I've subscribed to you and I hope you will upload some more best of luck.


Sent to: fellowjemian, peace2934, lantis02, jkilbez, neonsuperstarz, xrainbowmoonlight, jokingdotcom, robertnash1981, drecordmusic, blaspherio, monstergirl10167, hannahn97, dsuyoshi987, ozzymannl, jjhays, jovigirlclairebear11, readinrockz11, candiedvlogger, patrickandnatasha, tyjo127, videoman5x

I've got maybe 5 of those in the past few months. You know, why even bother? -.-
You gotta love those.
I really hate that. I also hate it when I get these stupid friend invites. I'm sorry, but I don't really want to be "friends" with some major religious muslim community, or some unheard of random guy who plays music with only his voice and a guitar, or any other random person. I'm only friends with people I actually know, like people from here, or GameFAQs, or wherever.

Here's some PMs I've gotten that are what I call "spam":
theArabstation (25 August 2010) said:
اردت ان ارسل لك هذا المقطع , يمكن ينال على اعجابك
واذا تريد المزيد اضغط كلمة subscribe , ليصل لك اخر اعمالي في المستقبل

اخراج شباب اليمن

The above translates, in a Googly kind of way, as:
I wanted to send you this section, you can obtain the Admire
If you want more click the word subscribe, bringing you the latest work in the future

Directed youth Yemen
outrageousthoughts (9 October 2009) said:
theultimatekoopa2, I realized that people don't often cover U2 tunes, especially the song Bad. I recorded a unique cover of this song and wondered if you can tell me what you think. If you like, can you subscribe (little yellow button by the video).?


It means so much to me.

Orgadaalien (3 October 2009) said:
Can I send you s lockerz invite so I can get a free PSP?
OK, that one doesn't count, because I only count them as "spam" if they are by a random sod I've never heard of.

KYLEandCHRISwazHere (16 May 2009) said:
Hey theultimatekoopa2, This is Kyle from kyleandchriswazhere.

Ok, so we have been trying to get partnered for more than 8 months now and we FINALLY GOT ACCEPTED!! Please check out our videos, and make sure to comment and rate thm to tell us what u think! In my most recent V-Log, I blow up Coke and Mentos In Condoms so Check It Out!

If you like our videos, then PLEASE subscribe!

If you are a partner, or if you have ever tried to get partnered, then you know how hard it is. BUT WE FINALY DID IT!! So Please Help Us Out! Our goal is to get 10,000 subscibers and 100,000 channel veiws by the end of May.

Check out some of our latest videos! In the video below, I slide down a 60ft escalator on Heelys! Check out some of our other videos also. Every Week, I do "Nutty News And Stupid Stunts" And Chris Does "Top Ten Things You Should Never Say" I Blew up Coke and Mentos In Condoms, We made a toilet paper shooter and shot toilet paper over 40 ft, A lady throws her brand new 52" tv out the window, And we did some nicePumpkin Explosions! So check out some of our other vids : )

Also, every month, I donate $50 to the charity of your choice, so leave a comment telling me what charity you would like me to donate to! In The Last 5 Years, We Have Raised Over $30,000 For Charities Around The World! And We have just donated another $50 to the charity our viewers chose, WWW (World Wildlife Foundation).

Remember to comment and Rate our vids, but most importantly, SUBSCRIBE IF U LIKE THEM! Pleaseee HELP US OUT!

Also, If you would like to Make Us an Intro/Outro to our videos, or a new channel banner, please e-mail it to kyleandchriswazhere@yahoo.com. The person who made the winning intro/outro video and/or banner will be advertised by us

Thanks, Kyle


PS. This is not spam. Youtube Is A Video Sharing Community and I Just thought i'de share our vids with you and hope u like them! Comment, Rate, And Please Subscribe if u like our vids!. : )
Yeah, that's a long one I know

Somehow I don't have any PMs before 8 February 2009.
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It is some 90 year old man, that looks up iCarly porn, XD
alright as i am not doing anyfing rite now i would like to warn you all girls about this girl who you dont want be spotted miles around your bf


well yea she steals bfs .she will become your close friend and then steal your bf leaving you helpless i hate life

The person should AT LEAST look up what gender the person she sends this too are before sending it...
The person should AT LEAST look up what gender the person she sends this too are before sending it...

It's funnier still when you check the link and realise said site has apparently warned the 'keyword' has been used for spam and phishing... Whatever the 'purpose' of the spam message is, it's kinda been killed now.
I get those messages sometimes, but I just go on their profile, tell them that he is a spammer and block them. I wish I could report them on youtube.
One I got,

Episode4man said:
(Something under these words)hi there, i saw your videos and i think you're awesome. i have a friend whos videos will help you get featured. they helped him maybe they can help you.
keep up the good work

And now: http://www.youtube.com/user/episodeman4
I remember getting those mails but I hardly get them. The "Matched third Party Content" is more annoying than that.
i just got my first a couple of days ago.

i really loved the video you uploaded

How are you,

The video you uploaded was fab i really enjoyed it and you channel
was class
ill have to subscribe to ya later. But i jus said id drop ya a line to tell
about this vid i know ill leave the link below but it shud really help ya
noticed if not a feature cuz u got real talent. you have to do i small
i done the Free How Dumb Are You test it a gud laff i scored 91 thats


Keep up the good vids

to top it off, as i went to grab this, i decided to drop him a p!ss off message. but-"[name] has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of our Community Guidelines." So i ain't getting messages from that dickweed. Hoorah!
I like the fact that they keep mentioning the "Free Dumb Test". Not that I'll ever pay half of a piece of attention to it at all.
I love gettin' these only cause my channel has no vids and one subscriber (from him being stupid enough to subscribe to me before he even sent the message).
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F'n A, I got another one:
great vid dude Wassup

I was just on ur page lookin at ur videos and really enjoyed them.You shud think about
getting noticed more you have the talent jus to go about it. i have a link that shud help
ya its a video on getting subscribers


it works really well and u can do it all the time

Best of luck Jake.

Sent to: bouchandre, dirtyriden, smile4jo04, losertris, 980zachery, 79outlaw, d3str0yb0y, singerash25, tracyparker44, briansgirl03, taysheltoopretty14, dsuyoshi987, melon64, kkoronixnkoronixonko, benlearawk, idskiillz, br33tease, brainsurged, tjisgone, sheetysami, gabriellsz2l, lunamoonwithstars
Here's one that Nin3DS got:

i really thought your vid was good.

heres a good video i found that might give you some help on how to get featured


fill out a small survey and see the tips and tricks... pretty easy

dave P"
Wow, Nin3DS got another one:

Wow, I have to say Bravo ! on the videos you upload there fantastic. If your ever thinking of
getting noticed alot more I can be of help to ya. I know of a video that has sum of the best tips on getting featured on youtube and getting you views and comments sky high. Ill leave ya with the link if your ever thinking of trying to get noticed. Mabye ill see you at the top sum day.


Youll have to do a small survey to see the vid but it only takes a sec i found the " How Dumb Are You "test to be very short and funny to i got a score of 86 pretty bad I know lol.


You know what's so lame? They're actually by the same "user", called Ronan0276... look at his comments on his profile. Everyone's like "dumb ass *****"