Why I hate YouTube sometimes...

I hate moron PS and xbox fanboys
a message to al of them:get a life,morons
Freaking spammers, another one!
hey watch this and subscribe if its good and comment wat u think of it
Add to Added to queue Bmx Montage Winter Edit. Not the best but its my first video so please comment rate and subscribe!watch the good parts, Sent to: bouchandre, dirtyriden, smile4jo04, losertris, 980zachery, 79outlaw, d3str0yb0y, singerash25, tracyparker44, briansgirl03, taysheltoopretty14, dsuyoshi987, melon64, kkoronixnkoronixonko, benlearawk, idskiillz, br33tease, brainsurged, tjisgone, sheetysami, gabriellsz2l, lunamoonwithstars
So, what am I, a spam attractor or something? I don't even know these people!
When I first got that message, I noticed it was fake when I looked at the bottom and saw that the message was sent to more than one users.