Why Nintendo is Quiet on NX Console


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Nintendo won’t discuss its next-generation hardware codenamed NX yet as it believes competitors may jump on its ideas and it’ll also dilute the surprise for fans, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said during a shareholders meeting today.

“We can't talk about the NX. If we do, competitors may take our ideas and customers won't be surprised,” Iwata said in response to an investor who was worried about the split between the NX and Wii U, according to Twitter user NStyles (translated by Twitter user Cheesemeister3k).

“This would not be beneficial for the company or its shareholders,” Iwata said. “The NX is new hardware, and will start from 0. However, the 3DS and Wii U have install bases. Immediately cutting off software for previous hardware upon the release of a new machine is inefficient.

“We will continue making 3DS and Wii software while preparing for the NX. We are prioritizing satisfying customers who purchased the Wii U.”

The comments closely follow Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Amie’s reiteration during its E3 Digital Event that the company will not be talking about the NX before next year. Fils-Amie promised information on the company's next console won't be coming until 2016, mirroring the company’s stance during NX’s announcement.

Sony and MS always takes their ideas afterwards.
To be honest they will take them anyway once the console is launched and still be far more successful because of third party support.