Wikipad in miniature: 7-inch gaming tablet to debut in spring for $249


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The Wikipad is now a 7-inch tablet, slated to launch in spring for $249. It's smaller, the company says, but no less powerful -- it's keeping the Tegra 3 GPU the original build promised, not to mention 1GB of DDR3 RAM, 16GB of Flash memory, a 2-megapixel front facing camera and a 1,280 x 800 resolution display.


The Wikipad's design kind of reminds me of the Sega Game Gear portable console design, but bigger.

I wish I got the Wikipad instead of the Google Nexus 7 because the Wikipad has a controller case which serve two purposes of protecting the back of the device, and also is a controller to play games with.

The Wikipad looks nice, and have a lot of buttons, joystick and a Directional-pad. The bottom speakers also look pretty load.

I wonder if there is a way to connect the Wikipad to a TV to game on a bigger screen when at home.

The $249.99 price tag makes this a good competitor with the Amazon Kindle Fire, Google Nexus 7, and iPad Mini since they all cost about 199-300+ dollars.
I think it is fairly price because it comes with a detachable controllers with so many buttons, and front facing speakers on the controller to give it even better sound than the speaker on the back or side of the tablet.

It also has MicroSD memory card slot, and Micro-HDMI which is not available on the Nexus 7 tablets.

Plus, most cheap tablets from un-popular makers like Coby don't come with good technical supports and warranties. I read stories of people exchanging bad tablets using the mail, and not getting a replacement.
The one thing going for this tablet is the controller. But I don't think it will be long before we see knockoffs that are compatible with other tablets.

Zenithink has a pretty good support and the warranties usually depend on who you bought the tablet from. I've always been sure to pick the sellers carefully and the one time I had an issue I had no problem getting a good replacement.