
I couldn't get past the tutorial, sat there for 10 minutes and became so bored I turned off the game and never went back to it...
My old WoW guildmaster is trying to get me to pick up the game, I'm not sure I can buy into the cartoonish graphics when it comes to MMOs I like to see dragons and stuff  :woot: If you are a WoW fan maybe it would tide you over until Warlords of Draenor came out. People who buy it get 3 guest passes, maybe you can find someone on twitter to hook you up? I've used this method before just type wildstar or wildstar guest pass into the search box then tweet a few people nicely.

Will it be a WoW killer? who knows.
I need a new MMO to play. I played WoW ever since Vanilla and no more new expansions or patches can make me come back to it. I'm just tired of it. Anyway, if they had a trial or something I'd check it out. but for now I'm going to wait.
I don't think this is a WoW killer at all, it's look fun to play but I am WoW fan. Only problem I see is that this is NcSoft which does Guild Wars.
I am staying far away from it, I was all geeked for it until I found out its made by Ncsoft. Every one of their games has been a failure and I am 100% sure this one is going to be no different. So I am just going to stick to playing FFXIV.

I thought about getting it, but I'm not sure I really want to return to any MMORPGs. WoW was such a time and social life killer, when I was in a heroic raiding guild. SWTOR was too, but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) there was nothing to do at max level, so I dropped it pretty early.

Wildstar seems promising, but purchase it + subscription seems too much.
It's fun. It brings some cool unique gaming mechanics to MMO's, like the combat system, and I like that it's a bit different from WoW game play. So in the meantime, while waiting for WoD, I'll be giving Wildstar a good try over the next few months. 

I don't see it being a WoW killer. To me, the only WoW killer will be Blizz itself. It's just too ingrained as "the MMO" for any other MMO to really overtake it. 
I have tried to get into this game before, but I don;t know if I am ever going to be able to like it. I think I am forcing myself to like this game just because people are praising it everywhere. Ultimately, It all boils down to your personal preference.
wowtgp said:
I have tried to get into this game before, but I don;t know if I am ever going to be able to like it. I think I am forcing myself to like this game just because people are praising it everywhere. Ultimately, It all boils down to your personal preference.
I have done this in the past, you want something to be better and force yourself to like it but in the end you never do.
Honestly that's why I'm waiting it out. Most recent MMO's start out friggin awesome and everyone loves it then all of a sudden it just DIES. I loved Lord of the Rings online until lvl 20, I loved SWTOR until lvl 20.. etc.. I won't fall for another damn MMO during launch.
Wildstar interested me because it had a Jak & Daxter feeling to me, what with the art style and, later, the emphasis on adventure playstyles.

Are there any Wildstar players that are also J&D fans? Is the game anything like J&D, particularly the adventuring? I'd be practically sold if it was, but I've got a feeling I'm blinded by my hope. 3D platforming needs to make a comeback, there's just so much that can be done with it.