Will 3 wheel cars become more popular in the future?


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I feel if the cost of car tires and steel wheels become more expensive, more people would buy cars with three wheels. Cars with 3 wheels also only require 3 brakes for each wheel, 3 axle, and other parts which can be expensive.

More people may buy a three wheel car if most people are too poor to buy a car with 4 wheels. 3 wheel cars can be a good car for someone who wants a cheap car which has heating and air conditioning which is not available on a motorcycle. 3 wheel cars may also be more easier to drive than a 2 wheel motorcycle.

Some lightweight 3 Wheel cars also use less gas or electricity. 3 wheel cars weigh slightly less than a 4 wheel car, and require less power to move the car, so 3 wheel cars can be good for going long distances without using a lot of gas or electricity. Driving a 3 Wheel cars should save money on gas.

I think 3 wheel cars called Rickshaw/Tuk Tuk are used in India, and Thailand because of their lower price, and small size which is good for narrow roads.

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I be up to driving one.
I would want to drive a 3 wheel car as well, or ride in one if I ever get the chance to ride in a 3 wheel car.

Some 3 wheel cars have a unique design, and there are 3 wheel cars which are more affordable than a 4 wheel car with a similar size, and features.

To be honest, I don't think so.
3 wheels or less stable than a 4 wheeled vehicle. So, it's hard for a 3 wheel car to become popular.
A cheaper 3 wheel car can be a popular car choice for a 2 wheel motorcycle driver who wants a car with a seatbelts, roof, doors, heating, air conditioning, and better stability of 3 wheels instead of 2 wheels found on a bike.
The stability issue is a pretty big one.
Especially in countries where icy conditions occur. People often seem to forget this but the total contact of all four of your vehicle's tires to ground is the same amount of surface area as a piece of standard "loose leaf" paper folded in half twice. Which, in other words, is really not much. So remove a tire and suddenly you have way less surface area to grip the road. Which means it's way easier to lose traction and start to sway or spin out. (Or, worse still, end up on your roof.)

I know from first hand experience when having 2 wheels slide/go sideways feels like... and with only 1 I can imagine it'd be a far faster/easier thing to do. (Due to less weight and only 1 wheel putting power out.)

Plus you add into this the fact that most people are just not good winter drivers to start with and it becomes a recipe for disaster. (By this I mean people want to do summer time highway speeds in icy/wintry conditions.)
I feel there are safe 3 wheel cars with a slower maximum speed, slower car acceleration, and less powerful engine power, so less experience driver can safely drive a slower 3 wheel car which is less likely to have stability and car handling problems at slower speeds. Modern cars also have computer assisted driving aids like anti-lock braking, traction and stability control, automatic braking, automatic lane departure adjustment, blindspot detection, etc which can make a 3 wheel car safer.

There could be a driving course for 3 wheel cars, so drivers learn about the limitations of 3 wheel cars, and how to safely drive a 3 wheel car like how many places require motorcycle drivers take a course and test to see if they can safely drive a motorcycle.