Will Apple TV use a faster CPU Video Chip in future for faster Gaming speed?


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I think it is possible that Apple will eventually release an Apple TV which uses a faster CPU like the iPad Pro's A9X CPU and video chip.

But, there may not be a huge demand for a more expensive Apple TV with a faster CPU and video chip, so it may take some time before Apple releases a settop box or console which is as fast as a PS4 or Xbox One.

A lot of people generally buy cheap settop boxes like the Roku, and Chromecast which cost under $50, so if the Apple TV cost many hundred dollars it won't have a lot of buyers.
Doesn't their fanbase buy everything they make regardless of the prices?

There are many regular buyers who buy Apple products because the Roku, Google TV and Android TV boxes available at a store did not suite their needs, look ugly, or were outdated.

The cheaper iPhone SE, iPhone 5C, iPhone 4S, and iPad Mini sold pretty well, and I think most of the buyers are regular consumers.
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