Will Consoles end one day?


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Seems like the analyst and those who want to make a scene are always saying the home console will end one day, but do you feel they will end one day? If it be next generation or 100 years from now?

I'm going to say yes and no, I do think the current set up we have going (many different consoles) will end with one main system being developed and Sony, Nintendo and MS becoming software makers instead.

If everything went to PC, the gaming world would be golden.
I doubt that consoles will end, It would probably Merge with the PC master-race, for a better gaming experience ?
I think there will always be consoles made by different companies. But, MS, Sony, and Nintendo may stop making consoles like how Atari, Sega, Panasonic and Neogeo no longer makes consoles because they don't have enough fans.

Maybe more affordable and smaller consoles like the Apple TV will be more popular in the future because $400-500 is kind of expensive for a lot of kids, and teens who rely on their parents and other adults for money when buying more expensive stuff.

Regular PCs are also starting to be more affordable, and capable of playing newer games like GTA 5, League of Legends, Dota 2, and other games.
Eh, I doubt it. I think the 'traditional' console will. We can already see the lines between PC gaming and console gaming blur with things like the Steam Machines. Think this will continue to happen.
I doubt it will end any time soon but who knows, maybe one day everyone will have extremely powerful computers so consoles won't be needed
It would be interesting if one day our game consoles are built into a head piece like a VR headset where we can play games by just putting on a VR headset, and controller to control the game characters in a game.
I have my doubts that console games will end. If they do end, they won't end any time soon. They are too popular right now because too many kids are getting them as gifts for Christmas or birthday or whatever. A lot of kids are growing up on video games.

Now, I see them becoming more savy as time goes by because kids are getting more tech savy as time goes on. So, I can see them getting more advanced as we progress. But I don't see them getting rid of them altogether.
It would be interesting if one day our game consoles are built into a head piece like a VR headset where we can play games by just putting on a VR headset, and controller to control the game characters in a game.
I think that sort of thing would take a very long time for it to come as it would be very expensive.
I think if the VR devices continue to develop (and they will) then at some point they will over take consoles as we know them. That is something that I think is still many years away though. I predict that holographic rooms of some sorts will then overtake the VR's long after I am dead (dammit, I want it now)
I think if the VR devices continue to develop (and they will) then at some point they will over take consoles as we know them. That is something that I think is still many years away though. I predict that holographic rooms of some sorts will then overtake the VR's long after I am dead (dammit, I want it now)

that I can get behind.
Individual companies may come and go, but I doubt consoles will go away altogether. They're popular for one reason; their ease of use compared to computers. Saying they'll vanish is like saying everyone will stop using Windows and Mac OS and start using Linux for everyday computing; a nice thought for the tech savvy, less plausible for the average Joe.

I also doubt VR will be as big as everyone thinks. Why? Cause a lot of games honestly work better outside of a VR environment. I mean, VR mostly works well if games are viewed in first person, right? But for many action and platformer games, first person just makes them too hard to navigate easily, and third person ones just look weird when viewed through an Occulus Rift or the likes. It'll have its place (especially for FPS games and survival horror titles), but I don't think people will want to play Mario or Zelda on one any time soon.