Will Google ever make a non-Chrome OS and non-Android laptop and Desktop PC?


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Google can always buy an operating system company like how Google bought Android from the original creator of Android. I think if a small software company creates a very popular PC operating system, Google may buy it, and re-brand it as a Google Operating System, and use it on their PCs like the Pixelbook.

If Apple and Microsoft ever decide to sell their operating system like OS X and Windows to another company, big companies like Google and Amazon may want to buy it.

I think it is possible that Google may someday release a laptop or desktop PC which uses a custom video editing OS which is mainly designed for making videos on YouTube like YouTube, and make the OS has features, and programs which make it good for watching videos, quickly recording videos, editing and uploading YouTube videos.

Google can also make a custom OS for making software, apps, and games which app makers can sell on Google Play. Chrome OS and Android are not the best OS for creating apps.
I think Google do not like to buy the other creaters PC and to re-brand it so i assume that Google will make it true on PC building like how they achieve on creating android device.
I think Google do not like to buy the other creaters PC and to re-brand it so i assume that Google will make it true on PC building like how they achieve on creating android device.

Google bought a few hardware, and software companies with their money.

Google owns Nest who make a smart-internet connected smoke detector, and thermostat, camera, and doorbell for homes according to Google closes $3.2 billion purchase of Nest

Google used to own Motorola's smartphone business until they sold it to Lenovo according to Google sells Motorola to Lenovo for $2.91 billion

Google now owns part of HTC Phone worker team according to Google is buying part of HTC’s smartphone team for $1.1 billion

Google bought Android for $50 million dollars from Andy Rubin who originally planned to make the Android OS for digital cameras, but latter modified Android to work with cell phones.

"Andy Rubin started working on an operating system for digital cameras, but later on changed the project to target mobile phones, and that’s how Android was born. "

"Google wanted to buy Android right away. The interesting part, however, is the price both parties agreed on: merely $50 million (plus incentives)."

Did you know that Google spent just $50 million to buy Android?

I feel if Apple decides to sell Apple iOS mobile OS for some reason, Google maybe one of the first companies who are interested in buying Apple iOS.
Google bought a few hardware, and software companies with their money.

Google owns Nest who make a smart-internet connected smoke detector, and thermostat, camera, and doorbell for homes according to Google closes $3.2 billion purchase of Nest

Google used to own Motorola's smartphone business until they sold it to Lenovo according to Google sells Motorola to Lenovo for $2.91 billion

Google now owns part of HTC Phone worker team according to Google is buying part of HTC’s smartphone team for $1.1 billion

Google bought Android for $50 million dollars from Andy Rubin who originally planned to make the Android OS for digital cameras, but latter modified Android to work with cell phones.

"Andy Rubin started working on an operating system for digital cameras, but later on changed the project to target mobile phones, and that’s how Android was born. "

"Google wanted to buy Android right away. The interesting part, however, is the price both parties agreed on: merely $50 million (plus incentives)."

Did you know that Google spent just $50 million to buy Android?

I feel if Apple decides to sell Apple iOS mobile OS for some reason, Google maybe one of the first companies who are interested in buying Apple iOS.
Ohh i don't know much about these things i just said what I know xd
Yeah, I think it's possible, I wonder how smooth to use the google OS if ever. :) And maybe the google is the skynet in the future. :) lol.
Yeah, I think it's possible, I wonder how smooth to use the google OS if ever. :) And maybe the google is the skynet in the future. :) lol.

I think it is possible that someday all new devices from Google, Microsoft, Apple, and other PC makers will all use an operating system similar to Skynet with Artificial Intelligence like in the terminator movies because the government think it is a good idea that all new computers use a Skynet Operating System which Skynet can control.

It is harder for the average PC user to find a new computer which does not have a voice assistant app like Microsoft Cortana, Apple Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa which can listen to commands, and control your PC. I feel eventually a Skynet OS maybe pre-installed on all computers and electronics.
I think it is possible that someday all new devices from Google, Microsoft, Apple, and other PC makers will all use an operating system similar to Skynet with Artificial Intelligence like in the terminator movies because the government think it is a good idea that all new computers use a Skynet Operating System which Skynet can control.

It is harder for the average PC user to find a new computer which does not have a voice assistant app like Microsoft Cortana, Apple Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa which can listen to commands, and control your PC. I feel eventually a Skynet OS maybe pre-installed on all computers and electronics.

Yeah, the Alexa, the virtual assistant, if you want to ask and to get much more reliable answer this technology will help you a lot. These technology are very expensive right now, but I know someday every house hold will has these virtual assistant, it's really interesting but looks not safe.
Yeah, the Alexa, the virtual assistant, if you want to ask and to get much more reliable answer this technology will help you a lot. These technology are very expensive right now, but I know someday every house hold will has these virtual assistant, it's really interesting but looks not safe.

I think the government can secretly use virtual assistants to spy on people, and fight crime. The government may someday giveaway virtual assistants to everyone, and force everyone to own a virtual assistant to use to listen into private conversations, and arrest the virtual assistant user if the virtual assistant hear you talking about a plan to commit a crime.
I think the government can secretly use virtual assistants to spy on people, and fight crime. The government may someday giveaway virtual assistants to everyone, and force everyone to own a virtual assistant to use to listen into private conversations, and arrest the virtual assistant user if the virtual assistant hear you talking about a plan to commit a crime.
Yeah, it's possible, It's very easy for them now to find evidence, but actually, I think they already spying on us by tapping on our telephone line, and by the use of social media, like what happened in FB, we can't hide our identity anymore.
Yeah, it's possible, It's very easy for them now to find evidence, but actually, I think they already spying on us by tapping on our telephone line, and by the use of social media, like what happened in FB, we can't hide our identity anymore.

I think Virtual Assistants make it easier for spies to spy on people who don't regularly use a phone, or the internet since some virtual assistants have powerful microphones, so they may listen into people conversations in other rooms, and maybe even outside a home if the microphone is very powerful where it can listen to conversations from farther away.
I think Virtual Assistants make it easier for spies to spy on people who don't regularly use a phone, or the internet since some virtual assistants have powerful microphones, so they may listen into people conversations in other rooms, and maybe even outside a home if the microphone is very powerful where it can listen to conversations from farther away.
You're right, with that technology, it's really possible. All data will clearly transmit, and it's really hard to hide in that case. All the evidence are easily to gather and all they need is to wait for the proper time to catch you.
I think might someday we never know they have already made IA Bots and Robotic or Driverless Cars I am sure its a work in development.
TBH, I don't see Apple or Microsoft selling their OS to someone else like google and I just don't think that Google would buy an OS from someone else, I think they rather make their own :)
Possibilities are there.
Microsoft bought QD-DOS to make MS-DOS and the whole Windows 9x line.
Apple uses FreeBSD base for macOS.
Google uses Linux Kernel for Android, and Chrome OS is based on Fedora.

Classic Mac OS and all Windows NT + Windows CE lines are made from scratch.
TBH, I don't see Apple or Microsoft selling their OS to someone else like google and I just don't think that Google would buy an OS from someone else, I think they rather make their own :)

I think in the far future, there is a chance that Google will partner or buy a big operating system company like Canonical which is the main creator of Ubuntu Linux. Google bought Nest which makes operating systems and software for Nest Smart Internet connected fire alarms, cameras, thermostats, and other smart electronics. Google also bought Motorola, so Google also bought Motorola software and operating systems which were installed on Motorola electronics like cable boxes, and older Motorola cell phones like the Razer cell phone, and flip phones.

Apple and Microsoft operating system may not be as profitable in the far future like how Blackberry OS, Symbian, Firefox OS and Palm OS are discontinued. Apple and Microsoft may sell or stop making their operating systems some day if not enough people use their OS in many years from now, and their OS is no longer profitable to keep alive.

Google may buy the patents for operating systems like Windows and Mac OS if Microsoft and Apple ever decides to sell their operating systems.
I would rather see the Mac OS and Windows 10 being released as opensource, with full source code so that we could edit it and compile our own version of it :)
I would rather see the Mac OS and Windows 10 being released as opensource, with full source code so that we could edit it and compile our own version of it :)

I also like to see Mac OS and Windows be open sourced, but I think people who own stocks in Apple, and Microsoft which they bought from the Stock Market do not want Apple and Microsoft giveaway their operating system like Ubuntu and Linux Mint where anyone can download a free copy of a Linux based operating system.

There is WineHQ for Linux which let you run some Windows software in Linux after you installed WineHQ in Linux, and more software and games which now have a Linux version of the software or game. Linux now can run more software which did not work in Linux in the past because WineHQ was not as good in the past, or there is not a Linux version of the software.
There is WineHQ for Linux which let you run some Windows software in Linux after you installed WineHQ in Linux, and more software and games which now have a Linux version of the software or game. Linux now can run more software which did not work in Linux in the past because WineHQ was not as good in the past, or there is not a Linux version of the software.
While that is true, there are still issues when it comes to software that has drivers (TV cards for example).

Beside, Windows NT source code was leaked at one point :)
I don’t think they will. Google is always pushing for their products and services. They are always putting Android in any device that they release. I don’t think it will change anytime soon because they are rivaling Apple’s iOS.
I also like to see Mac OS and Windows be open sourced, but I think people who own stocks in Apple, and Microsoft which they bought from the Stock Market do not want Apple and Microsoft giveaway their operating system like Ubuntu and Linux Mint where anyone can download a free copy of a Linux based operating system.

There is WineHQ for Linux which let you run some Windows software in Linux after you installed WineHQ in Linux, and more software and games which now have a Linux version of the software or game. Linux now can run more software which did not work in Linux in the past because WineHQ was not as good in the past, or there is not a Linux version of the software.
Now there's Electron, which is gaining more and more popularity among app developers.
It's basically web apps that pretend to be desktop apps.

Also, while Mac OS was all the way closed source, Mac OS X (later on OS X and macOS) is mixed source.
Mixed source means that some components are open, and some are closed.
In this case, the FreeBSD kernel as well as the Darwin portion are open source, but macOS itself is not.