Will manual tools like screwdrivers be mostly use for fixing electronics in the future?


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I feel there is less of a chance of a repair technician breaking electronics like a laptop or tablet when using a manual tool like a screw driver, wire strippers, and soldering irons to fix something. Electric screw drivers, drills, and other power tools are usually not needed for most repairs, and there is a greater chance the user will injure their hand and break the electronic device.

A robot may still be too expensive to use for fixing a computer, and robots may not yet be good enough to fix some electronics like a laptop or smartphone which require more thinking skills.

It is also cheaper to buy a screwdriver set from eBay and Amazon where they cost $20 for a full set of tools compared to a electric screwdriver.
in one shape or another, they will always be around.
in one shape or another, they will always be around.

I feel some tools like the pin SIM slot tool for ejecting the SIM smartphones will be around for many years since there will most likely still be smartphones which use SIM tray slots to insert sim cards, and MicroSD cards for some Andriod phones.

Using a screw driver to screwing in a hard drive, and PCI expansion card like a sound card to a desktop tower computer is also very simple to do once you learn how to do it.
Of course, robots are expensive and using manual work for little stuff, can be efficient with respect to power and energy.
I do think people would be using them, instead of some sophisticated gadget.
Even if you use robots, there has to be someone there to make sure that the robot keeps working and doesn't break down. So why not use people with manual tools to fix them?