Will many users play Stadia games in 4K video streaming mode in a few years?


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I think many thousands to millions of users may stream Stadia games in 4K video streaming mode because 4K TV and monitors will be more common in a few years. More people may also subscribe to a faster internet connection like 100Mbps or Gigabit internet, so they may more likely play Stadia games in 4K on their 4K monitor or TV if their internet is fast enough for 4K video streams.
I still don't think our internet will be good enough (here in the states) for many to take advantage of it and keep it profitable for Stadia.
I still don't think our internet will be good enough (here in the states) for many to take advantage of it and keep it profitable for Stadia.

I agree it will take some time for many people in the US to have very good internet for 4K Stadia streaming games unless the Government and ISPs spend more time and money on improving internet speeds for users.

Stadia Pro 4K streaming cost $9.99 a month. If Stadia can get millions of Stadia subscribers, it maybe profitable like Netflix 4K streaming.
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