Will mechanical storage devices like hard drives and Bluray disc be popular for many more years?


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Yes, I feel electronics like game consoles, and DVRs like Tivo will still use mechanical hard drives and Blu-ray disc drives in many years in the future.

Hard drives and Bluray disc drives are cheaper than SSD, so many devices will still use hard drives and disc drives.
I hope so for blu-rays, I'm just finally getting a good collection and hate for that to be outdated.
I hope so for blu-rays, I'm just finally getting a good collection and hate for that to be outdated.

I notice my local library has a nice collection of Blu-Ray and DVD movies. I think library users may also hope Blu-Ray becomes popular, so they can borrow free movies, and shows from their library for free.

A lot of people also have an expensive home speaker, 4K Blu-Ray player, and big screen 4K TV system which is designed to look best when playing Blu-Ray movies. Using their big TV and expensive home speaker system to watch downloadable and online streaming movies is worse quality because online video is usually lower quality, so people with slower connections can still watch it.