Microsoft Edge web browser will soon move to Chromium as its web browser engine according to Microsoft is rebuilding its Edge browser on Chrome and bringing it to the Mac . I think there is a chance that Microsoft may make a custom Chromium based operating system with the Windows logo. Chrome OS can run at a usable speed on mobile CPUs, Intel Atom, Celeron, and Pentium CPUs like how Chrome OS can run on slower CPUs like mobile CPUs, Intel Atom, Celeron, and Pentium CPUs. But, Windows 10 sometimes has slowdown problems when running on slower CPUs, and use a lot of storage space. Microsoft making a custom Chromium OS with Windows branding maybe an easier way to make a cheap Microsoft branded computers with slow CPUs and less RAM.
Chrome OS can now run Android and Linux apps, so programs like MS Office can now run offline in Chrome OS, and the shortage of software and games for Chrome OS is less of a problem.
Chrome OS can now run Android and Linux apps, so programs like MS Office can now run offline in Chrome OS, and the shortage of software and games for Chrome OS is less of a problem.