Will most beginner game makers start out making mobile games in the future?


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Yes, I think most beginners game makers will start out making mobile games because they maybe less complicated to make than PC and console games.
I would say so, then again they have been doing that as online flash games.
I think simple PC games like flash games, and games made in Visual Basic, Java, and JavaScript would also be the first games which beginner game makers try to make on their own.

But, there are probably game making Apps, or will be game making apps for Android and iOS in the future which let you make simple games from with your smartphone, so kids who don't know how to program code can make games with a drag and drop user interface.
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I think so. I think mobile games will be better for beginners to make due to being less complicated, less requirements to publish then on Steam or PSN, and I think easier to promote and get people to play your game then on other platforms.
More beginners may also be more likely to make mobile games as their first game because more people are more likely to give a new mobile game a chance of being played because most mobile games are free, or cost $1. Mobile games don't take a long time to learn how to play. Most levels on mobile games like Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja are also only a few seconds to minutes long, so they don't take up much time.
I think with steam greenlight and crowdfunding platforms its not so difficult anymore to release an indie game on a pc. Using engines like Unity you can make PC games as easily as any mobile game in both 2D and 3D and this is going to get easier and easier with the new technology, so my guess would be not really, it might it might not.
Probably. I think there is a lower standard for quality with mobile gaming than with things like console & PC gaming. They are also often times simpler games with simpler mechanics and graphics so are easier to start with.
I think some game makers may release their games to mobile devices first to see if the game is successful, and may eventually release it to console, and PC if the game is successful on mobile.

Making mobile games generally takes less time, and money.