Will Nintendo's next handheld keep the 3D feature?


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Well, what do you think?

It's been removed entirely in the 2DS version of the system, and it wasn't exactly ever the most popular part of the console, so I do have this feeling it could be gone by the next Nintendo handheld.

Then again, I also suspect the whole basic 'DS' design could be gone soon as well. The whole structure of the two systems is getting increasingly outdated/archaic in today's world (especially the design aesthetics), and even the whole two screens flip lid thing has kind of died out in recent years.

But what do you think about this? Is 3D gonna return in the next Nintendo portable?
I don't think 3d will come back, not soon at least.

I personaly suspect the next DS might be the HDS. It seems like a logical next step, the next handheld having at least one high definition screen and if that was the main selling point (I'm not saying it will be) HDS would be a name too conveinent to bypass.
Next handheld will be called Ninten-go and be completely digitally based.
I can not think of anything better Nintendo can do at this point except a portable Wii U.After all,all we really need to finish enjoymemt of handhelds is the high resolution and such.
After that...eh...i dont really know.
I like the 2 screens thing. Though it would be interesting to see another handheld in the style of the GBA.

It just needs 2 slide pads.
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I hope they dump the 3D and go HD instead. I pretty much never use the 3D, besides turning it on a few times to see what new games, or certain parts of games look like. It's a neat feature, but ultimately, it just doesn't work well. It's awkward to keep it in the sweet spot to be able to see it well, even on the XL, and then you can't move you're body or the system much or the thing goes painfully blurry. I tend to play my 3DS while sitting and standing in all sorts of positions, and the feature becomes frustrating after a while.

The 3D is cool and all, and was a neat selling point to grab people's attention, but it just doesn't work well with a handheld you'll be moving around... HD would be fantastic though! For how good the games look on the 3DS, I imagine they'd be spectacular in HD. Especially games like Smash Bros where after seeing video of the 3DS's gameplay, I think I'll have to keep the ugly black outlines on the characters so that they remain visible against the backgrounds. Nintendo should have gone HD a long time ago...
Going 3D was like shooting themselves in the foot with the 3DS. 3D was kinda popular when they announced it, and glassless 3D was pretty new, but the industry has moved away from 3D and gravitated towards higher resolution screens. The 3D top screen is one of the more expensive components of the 3DS. IMO they should have dropped the 3D screen and just upped the resolution of the top screen. We're living in an age where my 4.7" smart phone screen is 1080p and the 4.88" 3DSXL is only 240p.

I also wonder if they will ditch the dual screens. Having one screen at a higher resolution will be better for games (more pixels and power to work with), but I worry about how I'll play all of my old games. Games designed around the dual screens will need something in the future that can support them.
I also wonder if they will ditch the dual screens. Having one screen at a higher resolution will be better for games (more pixels and power to work with), but I worry about how I'll play all of my old games. Games designed around the dual screens will need something in the future that can support them.

I wouldn't mind it if they got rid of the touchscreen... I just don't like it that much honestly. It's awkward trying to fiddle with a touchscreen while you're working the control stick and buttons- but then I really prefer traditional control schemes for everything so I'm rather biased. Gyroscopes, touchscreens and motion controls seem neat, but they're so imprecise or impractical when you actually use them. :/
Yeah I don't care for the bottom screen either (I hate that they used it for the 2 DS Zelda's). I'd be fine if the next system only had one screen, but it would also be nice if they made that one screen a touchscreen. It'd make it easier for mobile devs to port their games over.
I don't really think the 3D feature on the 3DS is really that spectacular to begin with, plus it drains the battery faster. I agree, at least one screen should be HD. I honestly think, by this point, Nintendo's next handheld should be entirely redesigned. I mean, they've had several iterations of the DS, DSi, and now 3DS. Whether or not it has a touchscreen isn't a big selling point with me, as long as it works.
I doubt it. 3D is kind of running its course and people want innovation so it'll either be HD, which I could care less about because I can't even really tell between HD and non HD or something different. I'm not sure where else they could go though.