Will PS5 still be a strong seller this Christmas?


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Do you think retailers are still counting on PS5s to be a big seller this Christmas? Every year people wait for Black Friday sales to do their Christmas shopping and usually there is some type of console on sale. Fights break out and people rush into the stores to grab what they can. Will the PS5 have that effect once again, do you think?
I think so, unless Nintendo's new system drops.
Yes, PS5 might still sell more this Christmas. Why I think so is because Sony have discounted the console, making it more cheaper than it used to be. If I never had my own PS5, I won't miss buying it this season.
I think the PS5 Slim being release on November 2023 will make the PS5 sell more consoles for people who want the Slim version of the PS5 instead of the regular size PS5 which maybe too big for their table or TV stand.
I think with Spiderman 2 coming out, there will be a lot of kids who will want to play it plus they released a special edition Spiderman console so that'll be on a lot of kids christmas list.
I recently saw on the news that people are planning to spendless money on Christmas presents because of high bank loan interest rates this year, so I feel the PS5 may not be as strong of a seller as previous years when interest rates for credit cards and bank loans were lower.
I know it's a while away but I wonder if the GTA trailer will push more people to get one because it's a current-gen exclusive
I know it's a while away but I wonder if the GTA trailer will push more people to get one because it's a current-gen exclusive
GTA is a big franchise. There have been so much expectations and anticipation on GTA 6, it will be surely push for more sales.