Will small toys like fidget spinners, yo-yos make mobile, handheld games less popular?


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I think small toys like fidget spinners, toy guns, tops, card games, yo-yo, balls, building blocks, small musical instruments like harmonica, and other small toys may make mobile and handheld games a less popular choice for personal entertainment for some people. If people play more hand toy games, they may play fewer mobile and handheld games on their smartphone/tablet, laptop, and handhelds like Nintendo 3DS, Switch, Sony PSP, and Vita.

I think games without a story like endless running games, racing, model train sim, and animal simulator games are at risk of being less popular if more people spend more time playing with their hand base toys like fidget spinners and yo-yos in the future.

Toys like fidget spinners, and yo-yo can entertain people for short amount of time like how some mobile and handheld games are used for killing time, and entertaining the player for a few minutes when people are bored waiting in line at a store, or at work/school. Plus, things like fidget spinners and yo-yos don't have those annoying loading screens, or the need to wait minutes for a level to fully load.
I doubt it, its a fad that will pass and I promise you that.
I doubt it, its a fad that will pass and I promise you that.

Some small hand toys maybe fads, but there would be some people who stick to playing with certain hand toys like fidget spinners,yo-yos, darts, water guns, small balls, and mini finger skateboards which still have a smaller following of players.

There would be other small hand toy fads, and some toys like Pokemon and Mario toys which is making a small comeback after Pokemon Go and Mario game releases.
Fidget spinners are already losing popularity. Not at all a threat IMO
Fidget spinners are already losing popularity. Not at all a threat IMO

I agree fidget spinners are losing some popularity especially the cheap plastic Fidget Spinners which most kids, and beginners tend to buy instead of the more expensive metal, wood, and higher quality material fidget spinners which usually cost more than $10.

But, I feel fidget spinners made from metal, carbon fiber, wood, and higher quality with nicer designs or features like a built-in wireless speaker and colored LED lights will be around longer because of more dedicated Spinner fans who like Spinners made with higher quality materials like wood and metal, and nicer designs, features and shapes instead of the cheap $2 plastic fidget spinners with 1-3 spinning arms.

Fidget Sticks have a smaller amount of fans than Fidget Spinners, but they can rise in popularity in the future.

Collectible cards, board games, drawing, and designing and making jewelry may also make a comeback or become very popular depending on how many people are interested in these hobbies after learning about them on TV, the internet, and family and friends.

I feel more people who are not as interested in mobile and handheld gaming, or want to take a break from video games and TV may choose to play with a physical hobbies like painting and gardening, and play with small toy like a fidget spinner, Rubik cube, fidget stick, yo-yo, keychain toy, small musical instrument like a whistle, drawing, etc rather than always turning on their phone/tablet, laptop, or handheld console to play a few minutes of a short game like Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Pong, and Tetris when they are waiting in line, bored, or watching a TV show or listening to music.
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That is exactly what I was thinking. The fidget spinners are just the latest fad to make it's way into the world.

Fidget Spinners are popular, and the popularity would probably drop or stop growing in the future like most things like Watches which are less popular because smartphones, cars, stereos, PC, and other things have built-in clocks.

In the future, Fidget Spinners can still stay popular, or grow in popularity if Fidget Spinner companies continue to make better and more fun spinners with better designs, more customization options, and more features like a built-in wireless speaker, fidget spinner app, and nicer LED lights to keep users interested in owning them. Fidget spinner companies can also advertise their fidget spinners more often on the internet, tv, radio, newspapers, and magazines, so more people will know about them instead of mainly learning about fidget spinners from word of mouth, and posts from TV news stories, social networks like Instagram, and YouTube, and friends and family which show their Fidget Spinners to them.

But, even if Fidget Spinners become less popular. I think there would be a smaller dedicated group of fidget spinner owners like on the Fidget Spinner Reddit group on reddit.com/r/FidgetSpinners which has 15884 reddit followers who will keep collecting and using fidget spinners with unique designs, and more customization options like changing the parts like spinner arm, bearings, and paint or case of the fidget spinner. There are also some people who make their own spinner from old Skateboard wheel bearings, and pieces of scrap plastic, wood, or metal from junk like an old unused food container or wood box.
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I know their popularity will fade, but I know a core group will still use them.

I know there is usually a core group which keeps an hobby going is true for most things like Linux, and Blackberry etc which still have a core group even when most people are switching to different more popular operating systems, and phone brands.