Will the game get a higher age rating than before?


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Because it's certainly a pretty scary game, and there weren't a whole lot of ratings to give the game when it came out back in the Nintendo 64 days. Think that because the game's get remade, they'll relook at the game's age rating?
Depends on what you mean as "scary". I haven't looked very in-depth at the game at all, but my guess is they probably won't unless there's anything along the lines of excessive violence or blood. If there are, I think they'll change it.
They'll probably try to make it scarier, But in the end, if they do a good job or bad job, It all comes down to a matter of opinion.
I don't think it will since its just a remake, unless they add new things and such, which they probably wll, but I wouldn't want it to be too different, since the original, in my opinion, was a very good game to begin with.
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I don't think it will since its just a remake, unless they add new things and such, which they probably wll, but I wouldn't want it to be too different, since the original, in my opinion, was a very good game to begin with.
Yes but what he means is when OOT came out the rating system was less harsh and much more limited. So if they kept things the same by todays standards it would get a higher rating.
I'm sure it HAAS TO get the rating of 10. As it's predeccesor only got a 9.5 in Nintendo Power, and must be avenged.
I don't think they will unless they decide to change some of the dialog which I don't think they will do.
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Well it could go either way. PG they would remove little things, such as Ganondorf coughing up blood when you defeat him. If it was E10 they'd keep the dialogue and gore at the same level as original.