Will the games journalists beat Mario & Luigi Dream Team in Hard Mode?


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Considering it's difficulty, I'm rather curious to whether any of the games journalists/video reviewers are even gonna stand a chance on Hard mode...

I mean, enemies and bosses can kill you in about two hits, the later giant bosses are damn near impossible and the challenges like the Battle Ring are even more so.

Will the likes of Game Explain be able to clear it? Or will one of the more difficult bosses drive them to quit the game beforehand?
Personally, I always review on Normal Mode. This gives the average play and let's me get through the game more quickly than Hard Modes (which is why I don't do that). I will generally start a game on Hard and Easy when they are options to get a general idea, but rarely do I play much. Honestly, I think that it is a waste of time to review on Hard Mode. I might be sent a game two weeks before street release date, so time is the most important thing when attempting to experience every aspect of a game and still publish by deadline.