Will the Nintendo Switch have a Wired Internet/Network Ethernet connection for going online?


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I think Switch user's will most likely need to use the Wii's USB wired Ethernet network connection adapter on the TV dock or Switch's USB ports for going online if they don't want to use Wireless/Wi-Fi.

There is also a chance that the Wii's USB network adapter would not work on the Switch because Nintendo did not include the USB Network adapter's software drivers for the Switch to save space on the internal storage drive, or the Wii's USB wired network adapter does not work on the Switch because of compatibility problems.
hrmm, good question. Hopefully docked means lan cable internet.
hrmm, good question. Hopefully docked means lan cable internet.

The pictures of the dock which I saw on blogs don't seem to have a port for a LAN cable internet cable, so most likely users need to use a USB to LAN adapter like the Wii and Wii U if wired internet is supported on the Switch's operating system.

The LAN cable port maybe on the powerbrick like the Google Chromecast power brick which has a USB to Ethernet adapter on the power brick.

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I doubt they'll have a ethernet port on the dock. I think they're just going to go with a wireless chip in the switch itself, much like how the U doesn't have ethernet port either.
Crap, I forgot that Wii U doesn't have a internet port.

Are there many good online multiplayer games for the Wii U where having an Ethernet internet port will be heavily used?

I see the Wii U of more of a single player offline console for playing mostly games like Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon which are traditionally offline single player games compared to the Xbox One and PS4 which has more games like Destiny, Titan Fall, Battlefield, and GTA V which have better online multiplayer modes.

I think the Switch may end up mostly having single player offline storymode games, and very few online multiplayer games like the Wii U because the Switch does not have a wired internet port which is useful for playing fast pace online first person shooters. If there are a lot of online multiplayer games which are being planned for the Switch, Nintendo would br more likely to add a faster gigabit wired ethernet internet port on the TV dock like the PS4 and Xbox One which both have wired internet ports.
There are a few games that need solid internet... Ones like:
- Super Smash Brothers
- Splatoon
- Mario Maker
- Mario Kart 8
- Disney Infinity

But not as many as the other consoles.