Will the Wii U have a decent launch?


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Well New Super Mario Bros U is a launch title, so that should kind of guarantee success for the system off the bat, but do you think it'll do significantly better than the 3DS has done so far?

If so, why? And if not, why not?
I think it will have a better launch than the 3DS did, at least. How good it will be overall I couldn't speculate, though.
I think the launch of the Wii U will be fine. I mean it can't be as bad as the 3DS launch. At least the Wii U is going to have decent games out at the start. Or so I am to believe.
I know I am going to get it on launch day! (If not, shortly afterwards.)

Considering that neither Sony nor Microsoft are coming out with any home consoles any time soon, I think this will be a huge success. Plus, this time around, Nintendo is lining up many great first as well as third party games.
Mario game = success. As to whether this will be retained or not is another story. Also, about damn time they brought back the plumber to launch.