Will there be Huge PC Games with big file sizes where it mainly sold on a USB drive?


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I feel it is unlikely that there would be any very huge file size PC Games which will have a very big file size like 300GB where it mainly be sold on a USB drive if the user does not want to wait many days for the game to download on a 5 Mbps internet connection.

Game companies are making games shorter to save money, and make gamers buy DLC like extra levels/expansion packs as a way to make more money. Some game makers may sell games as a series where you need to buy many squeals to finish the story line.
I feel like someone will do that in the future, USBs seem to be cheap so it be easy to load one up with a game and then offer some kind of discount if you return the usb.
I feel like someone will do that in the future, USBs seem to be cheap so it be easy to load one up with a game and then offer some kind of discount if you return the usb.

More people these days own Gaming Laptops. Users can also bring in their gaming laptop, and use a USB 3.1 or USB-C data transfer cable or device which can transfer files at a maximum speed up to 10 Gbps.
I did hear some people talk about though of laptops taking out usbs.

Hopefully, there would still be wired ports like USB ports in most laptops. I probably stick to buying an older laptop if the laptop has no USB port, and no other data port.

I guest laptops can always use local Wi-Fi, or Ethernet network which is faster than most internet connections offer by local ISPs which sometimes slowdown the internet when you are downloading huge files, or using file sharing services like Bittorrent.
Probably I remember my first every PC game, Plants vs zombies.
I got it from a friend thanks to the pendrive so......