Because the first game was a fantastic game back on the Gamecube (and in respect to graphics and music, it was absolutely amazing), and with a game being possible for the 3DS, do you think such a game will be released? And if so, what will be different this time around in terms of characters, storyline, etc?
Well, I think it would certainly be a good idea. The Wii Remote pointer would be perfect to use for aiming the vacuum or using the Game Boy Horror to identify something.
I loved Luigi's Mansion right down to the nervous voice alterations, facial expressions and careful footfalls that Luigi exerted while wandering down corridors in the mansion. I agree that the WiiMote and Wii combo would be the perfect platform to reintroduce the vacuum, and with the Ghostbusters video game release a bit ago, the hype on ghosts has been building. I know of several people who play the Ghostbusters video game nearly religiously online (although they play on the PS3) and that boost in fan base over ghost hunting and general ghost intrigue bundled with the vast ghost hunting television shows (currently present in America) and countless apps developed for smart phones to be able to 'detect' ghosts currently around you have been creating younger generations of people interested in ghosts. It would be nice to return from playing Ghostbusters, a serious ghost-hunting natured game (where there are some FREAKY clown ghosts), and visit an old game reborn on the Wii with a different plot (perhaps Daisy gets captured?), newer ghost trapping equipment (NDSi XL Horror? A little too many letters there--heh), and the charm that Nintendo casts on games in the Mario franchise. Especially since Nintendo has a way of making their games accessible to a broader range of ages; you could be 8 or 80 and enjoy playing through a Mario game. Additionally, Luigi himself has been gaining momentum in his popularity with YouTube videos and other media outlets involving 'WeeGee' making Luigi more celebrated as a character or made fun of, depending on how you look at it--either way, Luigi is gaining social buzz. In sum, if Nintendo were to release 'Luigi's Mansion 2', I think it would be successful and I would definitely buy it. :]