Will you pay more money for faster shipping at an online store?


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I do not pay more for faster shipping at an online store because the things I buy are usually entertainment items like video games, computer parts, and other less stuff which I do not need to get very quickly.

I only see myself paying more money for faster online shipping for school textbooks for a class which I need to take soon, and food which expire quickly like fruit, meat, vegetables, and bread which can go bad if not eaten after a few days to weeks.
Well, I kind of do since I do subscribe to amazon prime which offers free two day shipping, but that pays for itself with enough time. If I really need it, then yes I will pay.
Well, I kind of do since I do subscribe to amazon prime which offers free two day shipping, but that pays for itself with enough time. If I really need it, then yes I will pay.

I am also a subscriber to Amazon Prime which is great because of the free two day shipping so like you said we kind of do but we save so much money on shipping by being a prime member.
it really depends if you use it enough if you save, I use it just enough to justify it.

Amazon Prime users can always order stuff for friends, co-workers, and family, or buy cheap stuff off Amazon when there is a good sale, and re-sell the stuff for a slightly higher price or the higher retail price at a regular store to buyers who don't have Amazon Prime, and don't want to pay for more expensive shipping prices or subscribe to Amazon Prime on a yearly basis.
Amazon Prime users can always order stuff for friends, co-workers, and family, or buy cheap stuff off Amazon when there is a good sale, and re-sell the stuff for a slightly higher price or the higher retail price at a regular store to buyers who don't have Amazon Prime, and don't want to pay for more expensive shipping prices or subscribe to Amazon Prime on a yearly basis.

I do that as well, for my Grandma.