Windows 10 Running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon Mobile ARM Processor


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See a preview of Windows 10 (Enterprise edition) running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon Processor, complete with x86 Win32 and UWP apps such as Adobe PhotoShop, Microsoft Office and popular Windows 10 games and videos.

The performance of Photoshop running on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chip and 4GB of RAM seems pretty fast.

Hopefully, Windows 10 being able to run a mobile chip would mean that there will be cheaper laptops and desktops with decent performance compared to pricier Intel and AMD x86 based computers which still cost a few hundred to thousands of dollars when you buy an Intel or AMD PC from a store.
That's pretty cool. So, Microsoft is finally working on improving Windows 10?
That's pretty cool. So, Microsoft is finally working on improving Windows 10?

It seems that Microsoft is improving Windows 10 based on watching this video.

I think the version of Windows 10 which the guy is showing in his video is running very smoothly , and the task manager he shows.

When the guy in the video opens the Task Manager program, Windows 10 is only using 18% and less CPU resources, and 1.9 GB out of its 3.8 GB of RAM. The PC has Windows Explorer, Task manager, Microsoft Edge, World of Tank Blitz Game, and Control Panel open in the background when the guy shows the Task Manager program.

Windows 10 seem to run pretty well on the Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile ARM CPU, and 4GB of RAM.
Windows 10 seem to run pretty well on the Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile ARM CPU, and 4GB of RAM.
4 GB of RAM is still a lot of RAM for a mobile device though. Considering that Windows 10 is supposed to be an operating system for both desktops and mobile phones, I think they should aim to do better.
4 GB of RAM is still a lot of RAM for a mobile device though. Considering that Windows 10 is supposed to be an operating system for both desktops and mobile phones, I think they should aim to do better.

I think MS used 4 GB to make sure Windows 10 does not slow down during the demo video.

Most likely this version of Windows 10 which work on Qualcomm Snapdragon Mobile ARM CPUs can run on devices which only has 2 GB of RAM, and it will use space on the storage drive as virtual RAM like the regular desktop versions of Windows 10. It may be able to run on 1 GB of RAM if you just use Windows 10 for basic tasks like MS Word, and watching video files.

Windows 10 newest desktop version now requires 2GB of RAM to run unless you run an older version of Windows 10 which only requires 1GB of RAM.
I know some stores that sell laptops with 3 GB of RAM, barely enough to run windows 10.
I know some stores that sell laptops with 3 GB of RAM, barely enough to run windows 10.

There are some Windows 10 computers which have 2 GB of RAM which don't run Windows 10 at a good speed unless you just use the PC for simple tasks like posting on forums, MS Paint, and creating simple document files on MS Word.