Windows 8.1 Update 1 will lower free storage space requirement


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 ZDNet‘s Mary Jo Foley, who suggests the update will further reduce the operating system’s memory and disk space requirements. That would enable the Windows 8.1 to run on cheaper hardware, which would be ideal for tablets targeted at schools or developing countries.

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Lowering the free space requirement after installing Windows 8.1's Update 1 is one way of making people with older, slower, and cheaper computers with a 32GBs or smaller hard drive use 8.1 since Windows 7 and Vista needs more space to install extra apps, and programs.

This is great news for older and cheaper computers running Windows 8 on a smaller 16GB for Windows 8 32bit and 20GB for Windows 8 64bit hard drive or SSD which is the recommended minimum requirement for Windows 8's system drive. Plus, task like disk defrag, scan disk, disk cleanup, and virus scans will be faster after Windows 8 Update 1 since the size will be smaller, so there is less files to scan, defrag, and cleanup.

I wonder if there would be Windows 8.1 tablets, netbooks, and desktops in the 16GB size category which sell for $99 like the many cheaper Google Android, Chromebooks and Linux tablets, netbooks, and desktops.

Hopefully,Windows 8 lowering the space requirement means Windows 8 would remove rarely used programs like WordPad, and the many other programs which comes with 8, but few people use because of better alternatives like Libreoffice, etc, and also shrink the file size of default Windows programs and files like the help files, etc.