Windows 95 installed on Apple Watch


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With a 520 MHz processor, 512 MB of RAM, and 8GB of internal storage, the Apple Watch packs a lot of computing horsepower into a very small package. On paper, its processor alone is about twenty-five times faster than the average 386, and 512 MB was the size of a hard drive in the mid nineties, not memory. As a result, I was feeling confident that the Apple Watch had the ability to run one of the most revered desktop operating systems Redmond has ever produced.

I wonder can the Apple Watch run Windows XP.
Nice, but for what use? Also tiny screen is too tiny.
Nice, but for what use? Also tiny screen is too tiny.

If the Apple Watch let you connect it to a TV with a device like Chromecast or Apple TV, you can use Windows 95 on a bigger screen. But, you probably need to use a wireless keyboard, smartphone or remote to use it on a TV because the screen is too small.

Maybe Windows 95 is useful for playing back video files in fullscreen with Windows Media Player, and using MS Paint to view pictures in fullscreen.