World of Warcraft losing popularity?


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Apparently it's lost 44% of its subscribers in 6 months, and is now down to its lowest level of popularity since 2006.

Does this mean the game is finally losing steam? Okay, it won't exactly ever fail outright, unless it loses about ten times as many subscribers, but still, it could be a sign that either the game or the MMORPG genre might be on the decline.

What do you think?
It's not that the MMORPG genre is failing, I don't think that that'll ever happen- there's just too many other good options out there, both paid AND free. I played WoW hardcore for about 8 years, but the appeals been declining since the Cataclysm release. A lot of us older subscribers will resubscribe during the expansion hype (Like I did for WoD) and then remember after a while why we'd quit the last time we'd stopped playing. I'm having more fun with Final Fantasy XIV, Tera, and Rift.

For me, it's just been waaaaay to long. WoW now goes through very drastic drastic changes with it's attempts to get new players, but retain older ones with every patch and expansion. A lot of the features we've been begging for for years now are being tossed into the next expansion to try and draw us back in, but it almost feels like a slap in the face, a last ditch effort. Too little, too late.

Couple this with the dramatic loss of friends and guilds over the years... So many people have stopped playing and moved on, or are still playing and aren't the same... To me, WoW has become a place of dreams that can never be again. I love WoW. LOVE it. I always will. It was the perfect game for me, the lore, the art design, the music, the gameplay, and the people I met. It got me through a lot of stuff over the years, and was very, very important to me. But it isn't the WoW I remember anymore, with the friends or the content I love anymore, and it can't be that again.

That's the big trouble with WoW- too many older disillusioned people chasing after dreams of fun they had years ago that they'll never quite recapture, and too many noobs who don't understand and don't care too, much less learn complex game mechanics. It's just the sad truth of a now unwieldy, massive game that's run it's course and well over.
I don't like the new WOW, everybody gets everything as long as you pay your subscription long enough, legendary weapon for everybody.

No I'm not an elitist asshole without life, whoever I do remember when I started playing wow, only a few had an epic mount which was epic to have, powerful weapons and armor where for those with the skill and dedication to earn it.

The game is now full of people incapable to stay out of fire, people who will leave a group after the first wipe, incapable to actually try to do something hard, today's wow is an instant satisfaction game, like people pressing reload in FB over and over to track likes.

I admit that I might play again for the next expansion, but only to try the new Demon Hunter class, but I do not expect to play more than one or maybe two months after the release of the next expansion.
WoW lost it's appeal for me many years ago. Tried out private servers for a while because I didn't think the subscription was worth it. Guild Wars 2 was pretty cool as well, but I got tired of that too. I'm an old school Everquest player but I find the MMORPG genre needs something different, or maybe I'm just losing interest in MMORPG altogether. I like how modern games are using RPG elements in first person shooters, these are funner games for me.
WoW has just been around for so long. It's not what it used to be. People just aren't as interested anymore. With newer, better MMO's coming out, more and more people are ditching WoW for games like Destiny. It's been what, eleven or twelve years since the initial release? The game has had its time in the spotlight but nothing lasts forever. I never really cared for WoW but I do enjoy MMO's and as a major MMO, one of the most played for years, I can appreciate what WoW was and understand where it's going. I'm not saying that it's going to end next year or the year after. I can see WoW dying out within eight to ten years though. Even Blizzard has been showing signs of giving up.

I'm sure they'll come back with the newest and greatest MMO though, knowing them.