Mine would be in Kindergarten. You see, everytime the Schoolbell went off, all the boys Including me would race down a Concrete slope to the bottom. As we raced down, I pulled on a boy's shirt to grab the lead, and the result was me flying half a metre in the air (1 and a half feet or so), Then a crash landing, giving my knee a deep cut, And my arm scraped and bleeding. I tumbled down some more, giving me further scrapes, before finally hitting the ground. Ironically, I finished 3rd.
The school just gave me bandages that came off. >_>
Plus, they didn't send me home. >_________________>
And, I was confined to the sandbox. >_______________________________________>
But I never cried. Once. And yet I recall it so wonderfully.
The school just gave me bandages that came off. >_>
Plus, they didn't send me home. >_________________>
And, I was confined to the sandbox. >_______________________________________>
But I never cried. Once. And yet I recall it so wonderfully.
