Worst Injuries you ever had?


Full GL Member
Mine would be in Kindergarten. You see, everytime the Schoolbell went off, all the boys Including me would race down a Concrete slope to the bottom. As we raced down, I pulled on a boy's shirt to grab the lead, and the result was me flying half a metre in the air (1 and a half feet or so), Then a crash landing, giving my knee a deep cut, And my arm scraped and bleeding. I tumbled down some more, giving me further scrapes, before finally hitting the ground. Ironically, I finished 3rd.

The school just gave me bandages that came off. >_>
Plus, they didn't send me home. >_________________>
And, I was confined to the sandbox. >_______________________________________>
But I never cried. Once. And yet I recall it so wonderfully.

I had two.

One, I was about 12 and nearly sliced my big right toe off while mucking (walking in mud at the marsh with no shoes on, smart, right?) I think it was either an evil razor clam or a piece of glass in the mud. You could see bone, and lots of blood. 9 stitches there, with a huge soft cast so I wouldn't rip the stitches out by accident and a pair of crutches later... I was the kid in the class who got to ride the elevator to the second floor because the school said stairs were "too hard" for me, so I got to pick a buddy to ride in the elevator with me. I was popular for about 2-3 weeks, haha.

To reiterate, this is what I was walking in:

And this is what nearly sliced my toe off:

Two, I was about 15 and was riding my bicycle in the rain on a road with no sidewalks (again, another brilliant idea!) and I was going around a turn pretty fast and a car came, and to avoid a huge puddle that would have splashed just a little water on me, I decided to turn to the left, to a huge cliff with a rock wall at the direct bottom of it. I went right over the handlebars, smashing my ace on the rocks and seeing stars. I got up who knows how long after it happened to see blood dripping from my face region. I thought it was my nose at first, I couldn't feel anything so I grabbed my bike and my nose and walked home. When I got inside, I calmly went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I nearly died when I saw my chin busted open like someone put a piece of tiny dynamite on the tip of my chin. It was at this point, I yet again collected my spirits and calmly shouted for my dad to come downstairs. At this point, the adrenaline was wearing off and I was feeling a stinging and swollen sensation. A very speedy drive to the hospital, 12 stitches on my chin and a badass scar later... Here I am!

I was on this:

And my face met this at a very high speed:

I think story two trumps one.
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Well...recently after graduation I started to get this weird pain in my foot when I walked. After a while I noticed a red mark on my body which I thought was just a pimple or a bug bite...Well After graduation I went to visit my father after visiting the hospital for the pain (they found nothing wrong...at all, i could barely put pressure on that foot), I planned to stay for the summer. As time went on I became less able to walk on that leg and just tried to hide it to keep him from worrying. Well this pain eventually started to spread to random parts of my body. First my right foot, then my right knee...then my other foot+ knee....then my arms+shoulders. Sleeping was very unconfortable..and painful. At ths point everyone was aware I was in some sort of pain, but refused to go to the hospital. Also the mark on my body (near my armpit actually) was growing and was changing to a rather gross dark color. I fought it like an idiot, walked around..the pain got worst and Icould barely get up from sitting down. I lost lots of sleep because i could not move while sleeping or i'd be in extreme pain. After a bt I went to Greenwolf's (from this site) house to visit and stayed over the night. His mom became worried noticing I went up the steps really slow to avoid pain. She bascally convinced me to go to the hospital and what they discovered that the mark on my body was actually an infection that got into my body (by a spider perhaps). As for the pain...nothing (at the time the body pain wasn't that bad either). So all i got was something to kll the infection. After noticing the pain continuing and intensfying after the hospital visit..they reccomended I go home to let my mom know.

So after returnng home I got some blood tests, and was given painkillers. I took those as prescripted, and when the blood results came in...there wasn't really anything to work off of, just a high count of red blood cells and a lower count of white blood cells (meaning my body was fighting something off). I continued my prescription and fought off the pain, and the doctors and such couldn't figure out the issue. After the pain vanished we just let it at the possibility of a temporary blood infection. Which is what the doctors said that it most likely was.

That's my story of how I fought the worst pain of my life, lol....and believe me I know pai, i've broken many limbs as a kid. I guess this isn't much of an injury story, but the "spider bite" could have been the cause.

Worst pain ever. I lost 20 pounds in like a week from not wanting to eat while this was happeneng (i just couldn't eat).

Yep, well luckly that's all over.
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I've got two incidents that I remember...one isn't even considered an injury :/

1: I was with my old day-care center on a bowling outing (there was an alley just across the street from the center). Because there was so many of us, we decided not to hog up all of the bowling shoes (and there probably wouldn't have been enough for us anyways). So. We bowled in our feet.
For those of you who have been bowling, you know that the actual bowling lanes are veeeeeeeeery slippery...all polished up, right? Well, I went up with my ball, got a running start, prepared to toss...but I took a step out onto the lane just before letting go. So. I slipped, fell on my back, and the bowling ball came down too. On my middle finger, right hand.
I don't think I've ever bled that much before. Split my finger right open. I didn't cry right away because it had gone numb. Had a splint for quite some time, and the scar is still a bit sensitive today.

2: This wasn't an injury, but it sure as hell was serious as one. I was staying at my grandmother's house while my parents were away on their honeymoon. One morning I woke up to find a ginormous bug bite on my leg. I started itching it like crazy...this thing EASILY grew to the size of my hand (with outstretched fingers). A day or two later, we went to a nearby hospital to inspect my swollen leg. Turns out, I'd been bitten by a Brown Reckluse, a poisonous spider. The doc told me that I was in danger of losing my leg. Jesus. But tons of medication later, my leg went back to normal, and all was well
If I had lost my leg at six years of age...geez, my life wouldn't be at all the same.

Just be careful...this bugger is unforgiving.

ZEXIS! I've got some Brown Recluses living in my neck of the woods. They are really dangerous. :[ A buddy of mine has them nesting and making webs on his porch. :S!
Why in the world would he do that? x_x Does he have a death wish?
Ah...thought he was harvesting them or something :/
Wow, seems like it's only you guys that get all of the (painful) action over there...
I guess that's good for me in a way... =)