Worst video game music you've ever heard?


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It can be from any source, official or unofficial, any console or system.

For me, some of the following is pretty bad. Like this... thing:

I think it's meant to be this:

This classic Resident Evil song is just embarassing:

This NES song is just amazingly lazy in its composition:

And... I have no words for this:

It's apparently from some game called 'Dontreal Dolphin'... good god it's awful. The game itself looks like some sort of Microsoft Office clip art inspired drug trip, and the music sounds like someone randomly banging out notes all over the place.

What video game music do you think is awful?
Does this even count as music?

It's good at first... then it kills your ears.

Finally I have a tie so I'll post both.

It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't hear it 90% of the game...

I don't even have a comment, I just never liked this song.
Well, if I have to choose, I would agree that classic resident evil song is very bad.
This song drove me nuts when I was a kid and it always got stuck in my head a lot. Does this count?

lol I actually have Yoshi's New Island for my 3DS. I still think that the Dr. Mario theme song is worse.