Would smaller 4 inch and smaller smartphones always be made?


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I feel there will always be people with small hands, or a physical hand or arm disability which make owning a smaller smartphone easier to use.

There are also people who secretly use a smaller smartphone in school, jail, and work because they feel they are less likely to get caught using a phone if the phone is smaller in size, so some people who want to secretly use a smaller phone will buy one.

Using a smaller phone may also feel more private because people can not as easily see what you are viewing on your small phone screen when the user is a few feet away from you.
There may be some people that want a smaller phone for the reasons that you mentioned. But there will also be people that want to use larger phones because they are less likely to use it or it's easier to read things on the screen. That's why they make different kinds of phones to cater to what all people want.
I think certain brands of smartphones like Apple, Samsung, and Blackberry may stop making smaller phones because smaller screen size phones are not as popular these days.
I believe so. Some people believe that they are cute.
As for me, I like something that fits my hand which isn't very big....
I am one of the people who fall in love with iPhone 5s style. I hope more phones should be made like this, the size, the edge everything is good for me. It is also easier to take out from pocket.