Would the YouTube App still be as popular on game consoles and Smart TVs in the future?


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I think there is a possibility that the YouTube App will still remain very popular, or more popular on smart tvs and game consoles if YouTube continues to be as active in many years.

But,I think if Netflix, Hulu, Disney, HBO Go, and other paid video streaming sites release a free or cheaper $5 version of their video service, YouTube App's popularity can go down in the future. I think the internet is also becoming more local like how people in china use Weibo for watching video, and Naver, and AfreecaTV are popular in South Korea. These local video sites and apps can make people use the YouTube app less on their TV and game consoles.

There are also a lot of offensive, political, and controversial videos on YouTube which are not family friendly for displaying on a Smart TV in the Living/Family room. Family users may make some families choose other video apps which mainly show cartoons, sports entertainment news, music videos, movies, tv shows, cooking and home repair shows. It is pretty easy to end up in a unrelated non-family friendly video if you misspell a word or in the related videos section.

The YouTube App sometimes does not get updated in many months or years on some smart tvs and older game consoles, so it does not work, crashes often or run slowly. A lot of users who still want to use the YouTube app maybe forced to use the web browser or another third-party app like Kodi Media player with the YouTube app on their game console or smart TV to continue using YouTube to watch YT videos.
Maybe? Maybe not? Hard to say, not really sure where the market is going right now on apps though of course the app always depends on the source website's popularity.
Maybe? Maybe not? Hard to say, not really sure where the market is going right now on apps though of course the app always depends on the source website's popularity.

There is also a possibility of one media player app like Kodi dominating all video apps because you can use Kodi to watch video and download videos from many video websites like YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.