Would you buy a gaming smartphone without a camera, motion sensor, and other non-gaming features?


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I would buy a gaming smartphone which does not come with a camera, motion sensors, finger print reader, and other non-gaming features. I would rather spend my money on a gaming smartphone with a faster CPU, more RAM, better video chip, MicroSD memory card slot and more storage instead of buying a phone with features like motion sensors I rarely use.

I also buy a cheaper basic gaming smartphone which is like older gaming handheld consoles like the Gameboy and Sega Gamegear which can only play handheld games.
I would rather buy a gaming smartphone for the gaming aspect of things and keep the other aspects for a phone, after all, I would have purchased the GAMING smartphone for GAMING.
I wouldn't buy a gaming smartphone in the first place to be fair. A lot of those features should be basic features that should come with any phone so if my smartphone didn't have them, I wouldn't even consider it.
I totally agree with you, I'll buy smartphones that cater more for gaming because that's what makes me happy. I don't use the motion sensor nor camera that much so yep :grin: