Would you buy a Nintendo Switch for $400?


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So Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith and I were talking about Nintendo Switches and how they're hard to get at this point in time. You all probably know it's out of stock in most places. Some areas have them available, some don't.

On Amazon and Walmart, you can buy it for $400-$450 from a third-party seller.

Would you buy a Nintendo Switch for $400 or would you wait for it to be sold to you at $300? Wondering how many people think $400 is a rip-off for it.
Well, I already have a Switch, but assuming I didn't, it depends on how desperate I am. Since I already have a Wii U I could've just gotten Breath of the Wild for the Wii U and waited for them to be in stock for a normal price. However, let's say it's getting close to the release date of Super Mario Odyssey, another game that I'm super excited about, and I didn't have a Switch. That's probably when I'd cave and buy one for $400 because of my hype.

So normally, yes, I think it would be a rip off, but because of the sake of excitement I'd probably look past it and get one for more only because I personally think it would be worth it.
Nah I would never pay extra, if people did stop paying the extra price then I like to think the whole scalping thing would die out.
No, I already own one.

If I didn't, I wouldn't pay more than market price, since I don't do so for anything. I'm not desperate.
At this point in time, no. I would not pay $400 for a Switch. There's not enough games out for the Switch to make me want to pay the higher price for it. As of right now, I'm going to wait it out.
At present even if it were $200 it wouldn't be worth it to me. There are almost no exclusive games on it that I want.
- I can get Breath of the Wild on the U so it's not like I need to get the switch to play it.
- I don't overly care for Mario Kart in general, but I could get it on the U if I really wanted to.
- Super Bomberman R looks good.
- Arms looks pretty dull to me.
- Never cared for Splatoon so the sequel doesn't matter much to me.
- Super Mario Odyssey is another Mario game (and I don't care much for them anyway), plus it's still a little ways off.
- No word yet on Starfox or F-Zero yet.
- Metroid Prime 4 is still a ways off.

Plus this paid online thing kinda bothers me. (Sure it's cheaper than the others... but Nintendo's online infrastructure is... well... shit. And I don't foresee it being better because we're paying for it.)
I'm also not in love with needing my cellphone to handle voicechat and stuff. Come on guys, this is basic stuff the console should be able to handle. If you require a cellphone to make it work then you've fucked up. I mean on the PSN you can use a cellphone if you want to send messages/invites... but you can do that on the systems too.
At present even if it were $200 it wouldn't be worth it to me. There are almost no exclusive games on it that I want.
- I can get Breath of the Wild on the U so it's not like I need to get the switch to play it.
- I don't overly care for Mario Kart in general, but I could get it on the U if I really wanted to.
- Super Bomberman R looks good.
- Arms looks pretty dull to me.
- Never cared for Splatoon so the sequel doesn't matter much to me.
- Super Mario Odyssey is another Mario game (and I don't care much for them anyway), plus it's still a little ways off.
- No word yet on Starfox or F-Zero yet.
- Metroid Prime 4 is still a ways off.

Plus this paid online thing kinda bothers me. (Sure it's cheaper than the others... but Nintendo's online infrastructure is... well... shit. And I don't foresee it being better because we're paying for it.)
I'm also not in love with needing my cellphone to handle voicechat and stuff. Come on guys, this is basic stuff the console should be able to handle. If you require a cellphone to make it work then you've fucked up. I mean on the PSN you can use a cellphone if you want to send messages/invites... but you can do that on the systems too.

pretty much all this for me on all points but splatoon (love it, though need to play more.)

but I'm sure we're both waiting for smash bros! (Which btw we need to play a wii u match soon.)
I bought mine for like € 330 at launch (pre-ordered, had to pay the first € 50 in advance).
Converting that to US dollars, that would be $ 388, so I think $ 400 is quite a rip-off practically (unless it means $ 400 + a game or extra controller or solith, then it's quite cheap).
Nope I would not buy a Nintendo Switch for $400 or even $300. I'll wait until the price goes way down to around $200 if it ever does and that won't be for another 20 years from now and by then there will be even better gaming systems.
300 isn't that much different than 400 in my opinion. In that case, I'd certainly buy it for 400, assuming I had the cash.

I'll wait until the price goes way down to around $200 if it ever does and that won't be for another 20 years from now and by then there will be even better gaming systems.

Why not just wait a few months and get a used system?
300 isn't that much different than 400 in my opinion. In that case, I'd certainly buy it for 400, assuming I had the cash.

Why not just wait a few months and get a used system?

I have thought about that. I'll wait until people are selling them for around $200 if that ever happens. I check on Kijiji quite a bit for stuff like that.
I would also have to check the gaming system first to see if they aren't trying to sell something that's broken.
I most likely would not buy a Switch for $400 because there are not a lot of games for it compared to a PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
I think they should ease up on the price of consoles and let the revenue fly in from in-store purchases(online) and games.
I find used systems not a good investment if you have long term use plans.

I think slightly used game consoles can be okay if the seller is being honest, and claims it is in good condition after using it for a few months. At least, you know the console is still working well after a few months, so there maybe not as many problems related to manufacturing and defective parts like RAM chips which are more likely to fail because of poor quality chips.
I wouldn't spend $400 on the Switch until there were current exclusives on it other than a remake of Street Fighter II, and a single Zelda game. I need one current gen game (Not a remake of an old game) that will make me just NEED to get the switch to experience it.

The switch is being priced comparatively with newer Android Tablets, which is not at all surprising considering the switch is basically the same thing as a current-gen Nvidia Shield, minus the Android OS. It's based on an ARM system-on-a-chip, it's got the Nvidia Tegra thing going on... To be honest, I'd rather just buy an android tablet. It's got more games, and you can actually get stuff done on one of those.