Would you have switched...?

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I probably switched to a PlayStation 2 because the PS2 has games like Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 which I enjoyed very much. The PS2 also had a huge library of RPG games which are not available on the Xbox.
Hrmmm, I most likely would have switched to PS2 since it held several titles I wanted that Xbox didn't have.
Ironically I started as a Playstation/Nintendo player exclusively in my youth, the first Microsoft console I ever touched was the 360. ;)
What about the people that haven't got nether of them, lol other then PC?
My first (Microsoft/Sony) system was an Xbox. Then I had a Xbox 360. Then I had a Xbox One. I have played Sony Platforms before but in my opinion Microsoft is better and always has been. It's got superior titles. I did buy a used PS3 before I bought the Xbox One but I just couldn't get into it.

I had to edit because technically our first system was a Sega Genesis. Also I had the first game boy - the green screen brick! Man oh man that thing was hot. Then we had N64 which I still think is the best thing like ever lol.
Hrmmm, I most likely would have switched to PS2 since it held several titles I wanted that Xbox didn't have.

I'm the same. I like more of the titles that are offered by Playstation than what is offered by X-Box. Even so, I don't like the controllers that came with the X-Blox, especially the original. They are too big and bulky to me.
One thing - the Xbox and the PS2 were apart of the same generation. So it really would have been switch from the Xbox to the PS3 when the new generation came out.

That said, I personally was always a Sony/Playstation guy up until the Xbox 360/PS3 released. At that point, online gaming was starting to become the big trend and the majority of my friends had the Xbox 360 so because of that I made the switch in order to game online with them. I haven't looked back since. When the Xbox One/PS4 came out, I got the One.
I know there was some ps2 games that I enjoyed, but I would have stayed with the original xbox. My sister gave me her console back in 2007; I went to a used game store & got so many games for cheap. jet set radio, the first forza motorsports, halo, dead or alive, jade empire, the list goes on & on