Would you rather run into an indigenous tribe or dangerous snakes on an island


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I would probably be better off with the dangerous snakes, less suffering to be honest.
The tribe, at least you might be able to work something out with them, unlike snakes that would be the end of you.
If it's snakes then Indiana Jones taught me to set them on fire. If it's a tribe, then just hope it's a nice one.
Damn. This is probably the most racist question I have seen in a while.. I'm not assigning intent, but wow.

Anyway, I would ALWAYS choose the tribe, they could probably tell by my skin color and body language that I am trust worthy wouldn't be of any harm.. and would want to know what country I was from.. I mean we tend to recognize each other from around the planet, and I can say that from personal experience. Or they would probably just ask me where I am from in English like everyone else.. it is kinda messed up that people assume that Brown people are less evolved, when they are usually more evolved and more intelligent than the person making the assumption.

I say this because whether you are talking about Black/Indigenous [American (North and South), European, African, Asian] People you are talking about the SAME people because Black people have ALWAYS existed everywhere.. and Aboriginal tribes usually identify themselves as Black. I am Black myself, but most of my American Indigenous ancestors were here before White people decide to enslave Indigenous Africans, to work on the land they stole from my near-genocided American Indigenous ancestors.

Of the 200+ tribes extincted from both American continents, my ancestors survived, largely because when the men were killed in battle, the chiefs married the widows to protect them and continued the bloodline for each tribe and hid the women and children by changing their name and sending them away. And the European explorers that came over centuries before their Criminal descendants did, described the Indigenous people they encountered as Black, they not only described this in writing but artwork as well.

So Black = Indigenous.

Some tribes have a shared Chief ancestor, but their children of the widows were sent away so that they didn't intermingle (inbreed) with the clans. I only know this because I did my genealogy and not only did I discover who they were, but also what they called the land they came from, what clans they were in and I have read about them in books written by both the surviving descendants who still own their land and the White people who descended from the Criminals who took it but wanted to do the right thing and they gave the land back to them. But regardless, the only difference is the location but deep down there are a bunch of similarities between the cultures and even that is cool. And on an ironic and personal note, the part of NY I recently moved to, was one of the areas my original ancestors came before they migrated South 11,000 years ago to avoid over-hunting and fishing in the area which would have destroyed the local ecosystem. They were descended from the Iroquois.

Anyway, it is actually kind of funny but when I have travelled to other countries they always ask me what country I am from but they almost never assume that I am American unless I tell them so. I said in another thread that outside the U.S. other people equate Americans with being White. If I went to any of the countries and villages my African ancestors were from they would likely call me "Mzungu" despite the fact that I am closer in color to peanut butter than I am to milk.. but then again, that is just the unfortunate result of the colonialism that still rules the minds and hearts of the people there.

And considering how trustworthy snakes are in general, and the fact that it is used to symbolize untrustworthy people, and the fact that historically White people have been the most untrustworthy people everywhere, (I mean the U.S. has broken just about every treaty it had with the Indigenous..) and considering the fact that Indiana Jones was a thief whose only redeeming quality was that he hated the Nazis, you are still better off with the tribe. This kinda feels like an alternate but racist version of the Man vs. Bear question.. lol
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I would rather run into an all female hawt PLOT tribe lol like Tiger's PLOT squad, Tiger Island Residents lol
Damn. This is probably the most racist question I have seen in a while.. I'm not assigning intent, but wow.

Anyway, I would ALWAYS choose the tribe, they could probably tell by my skin color and body language that I am trust worthy wouldn't be of any harm.. and would want to know what country I was from.. I mean we tend to recognize each other from around the planet, and I can say that from personal experience. Or they would probably just ask me where I am from in English like everyone else.. it is kinda messed up that people assume that Brown people are less evolved, when they are usually more evolved and more intelligent than the person making the assumption.

I say this because whether you are talking about Black/Indigenous [American (North and South), European, African, Asian] People you are talking about the SAME people because Black people have ALWAYS existed everywhere.. and Aboriginal tribes usually identify themselves as Black. I am Black myself, but most of my American Indigenous ancestors were here before White people decide to enslave Indigenous Africans, to work on the land they stole from my near-genocided American Indigenous ancestors.

Of the 200+ tribes extincted from both American continents, my ancestors survived, largely because when the men were killed in battle, the chiefs married the widows to protect them and continued the bloodline for each tribe and hid the women and children by changing their name and sending them away. And the European explorers that came over centuries before their Criminal descendants did, described the Indigenous people they encountered as Black, they not only described this in writing but artwork as well.

So Black = Indigenous.

Some tribes have a shared Chief ancestor, but their children of the widows were sent away so that they didn't intermingle (inbreed) with the clans. I only know this because I did my genealogy and not only did I discover who they were, but also what they called the land they came from, what clans they were in and I have read about them in books written by both the surviving descendants who still own their land and the White people who descended from the Criminals who took it but wanted to do the right thing and they gave the land back to them. But regardless, the only difference is the location but deep down there are a bunch of similarities between the cultures and even that is cool. And on an ironic and personal note, the part of NY I recently moved to, was one of the areas my original ancestors came before they migrated South 11,000 years ago to avoid over-hunting and fishing in the area which would have destroyed the local ecosystem. They were descended from the Iroquois.

Anyway, it is actually kind of funny but when I have travelled to other countries they always ask me what country I am from but they almost never assume that I am American unless I tell them so. I said in another thread that outside the U.S. other people equate Americans with being White. If I went to any of the countries and villages my African ancestors were from they would likely call me "Mzungu" despite the fact that I am closer in color to peanut butter than I am to milk.. but then again, that is just the unfortunate result of the colonialism that still rules the minds and hearts of the people there.

And considering how trustworthy snakes are in general, and the fact that it is used to symbolize untrustworthy people, and the fact that historically White people have been the most untrustworthy people everywhere, (I mean the U.S. has broken just about every treaty it had with the Indigenous..) and considering the fact that Indiana Jones was a thief whose only redeeming quality was that he hated the Nazis, you are still better off with the tribe. This kinda feels like an alternate but racist version of the Man vs. Bear question.. lol

Not seeing any racist things in this topic tbh.
Damn. This is probably the most racist question I have seen in a while.. I'm not assigning intent, but wow.

Anyway, I would ALWAYS choose the tribe, they could probably tell by my skin color and body language that I am trust worthy wouldn't be of any harm.. and would want to know what country I was from.. I mean we tend to recognize each other from around the planet, and I can say that from personal experience. Or they would probably just ask me where I am from in English like everyone else.. it is kinda messed up that people assume that Brown people are less evolved, when they are usually more evolved and more intelligent than the person making the assumption.

I say this because whether you are talking about Black/Indigenous [American (North and South), European, African, Asian] People you are talking about the SAME people because Black people have ALWAYS existed everywhere.. and Aboriginal tribes usually identify themselves as Black. I am Black myself, but most of my American Indigenous ancestors were here before White people decide to enslave Indigenous Africans, to work on the land they stole from my near-genocided American Indigenous ancestors.

Of the 200+ tribes extincted from both American continents, my ancestors survived, largely because when the men were killed in battle, the chiefs married the widows to protect them and continued the bloodline for each tribe and hid the women and children by changing their name and sending them away. And the European explorers that came over centuries before their Criminal descendants did, described the Indigenous people they encountered as Black, they not only described this in writing but artwork as well.

So Black = Indigenous.

Some tribes have a shared Chief ancestor, but their children of the widows were sent away so that they didn't intermingle (inbreed) with the clans. I only know this because I did my genealogy and not only did I discover who they were, but also what they called the land they came from, what clans they were in and I have read about them in books written by both the surviving descendants who still own their land and the White people who descended from the Criminals who took it but wanted to do the right thing and they gave the land back to them. But regardless, the only difference is the location but deep down there are a bunch of similarities between the cultures and even that is cool. And on an ironic and personal note, the part of NY I recently moved to, was one of the areas my original ancestors came before they migrated South 11,000 years ago to avoid over-hunting and fishing in the area which would have destroyed the local ecosystem. They were descended from the Iroquois.

Anyway, it is actually kind of funny but when I have travelled to other countries they always ask me what country I am from but they almost never assume that I am American unless I tell them so. I said in another thread that outside the U.S. other people equate Americans with being White. If I went to any of the countries and villages my African ancestors were from they would likely call me "Mzungu" despite the fact that I am closer in color to peanut butter than I am to milk.. but then again, that is just the unfortunate result of the colonialism that still rules the minds and hearts of the people there.

And considering how trustworthy snakes are in general, and the fact that it is used to symbolize untrustworthy people, and the fact that historically White people have been the most untrustworthy people everywhere, (I mean the U.S. has broken just about every treaty it had with the Indigenous..) and considering the fact that Indiana Jones was a thief whose only redeeming quality was that he hated the Nazis, you are still better off with the tribe. This kinda feels like an alternate but racist version of the Man vs. Bear question.. lol
It's a safe word. They did rename the second Monday in October to Indigenous People's Day. We can't get offended by every word in the dictionary.
It's a safe word. They did rename the second Monday in October to Indigenous People's Day. We can't get offended by every word in the dictionary.
Who is offended here? I just answered the question posted and posted a detailed reason why. I am sorry that you were offended.

That said though, facts don't care about your feelings and I only deal in facts since there are way too many people dealing in bullshit already. (H/T to Benny Johnson, Trump, Ben Shapiro, et. al.)

And the tide has long been changing on Indiana Jones.

DS, if you look into the reason WHY it was renamed and you'll have your answer why it was changed and why it is racist. The same goes for if you look up why Indiana Jones is considered racist. This is an article that explains its origin.. it was one result among many.

The latter usually precedes the former. Whenever people learn new things, they do better, education usually brings positive change, which is why the Neanderthals thst support Trump hate it.. they will cling on to their mediocrity thinking that it hurts everyone else, when it only hurts them the most.. clinging on to hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.. and y'all (this is innocuous, not directed at anyone here) are dropping off like flies. Anyway the White people I mentioned in my last post are a prime example of learning better and evolving as a result. That is a big reason why it and other racist monuments are being renamed. We shouldn't celebrate hate, there is enough of that shit already. Really if we ever got our shit together and shunned the hate this country would be even better than it is now.

That said, Columbus never discovered shit because his genocidal, rapist, racist, Neanderthal ass never made it here.. and he couldn't even steer his own ship, he relied on an Indigenous Spaniard named Pedro Alonzo Nino whom Columbus called "El Negro" who knew all of the maritime trade routes because he sailed all over the world trading with the Indigenous on every continent and both American continents were named after Amerigo Vespucci, a map maker who obviously knew more about the planet than Columbus.

And the story of him discovering America came about in the 1930s when immigration officials wanted to know why Italians should be let into the country and some famous writer came up with that bullshit story in response.

And before it caught on, they were lynching Italians as often as they did Black people and until this bullshit story took hold. And as such, Italians weren't considered White until WWI and/or WW2.. (compare that to the fact that the Irish were never enslaved as they had their White status here since the first census was taken in 1790.

I wil say that it is very telling how Whiteness is and has historically been measured in a group's willingness to be cruel to another non-White group. And yet, as a case in point in this topic, y'all are the ones worried about another group of people doing to you what your ancestors did to everyone else and is still ongoing today.. since you guys are the ones that sit atop the companies that make their money invading Black and Brown countries for resources you didn't earn.. and others make their money financially abusing people in African countries. You guys have historically been the most violent race of people since you stumbled out of wherever your ancestors came from.. (I forget where but they are in a museum) and yet, you're worried about the Indigenous? Indigenous people make up the majority of people in the world and the ones that had families with White people, don't claim the White/European heritage at all, sure some may be because they want to claim Indigenous heritage the same way y'all claim and call Mataoka Amonute Powhatan (a.k.a. Pochahontas) as an "Indian Princess" when:

A. She was married when y'all kidnapped her, killed her family and her husband Kokoum, because the English were such trustworthy people that they convinced Kokoum's older brother to betray his family which lead to most of the tribe being slaughtered, while they kidnapped Pochahontas, raped her aboard the ship and then married her off to John Rolfe just so y'all can claim her land.

B. The Indigenous society is matriarichal, so titles, land, etc are passed down through the mother, and the women are revered much like it is elsewhere except Europe, and any place they colonized where it is the polar opposite. This is why the tribes don't recognize blood relation as criteria for recognition and the ones that do, are probably extinct. I mean most people who claim Pochahontas don't even know what tribes her family was from aside from Powhatan, let alone the pre-Colonial name of the land they were from.

C. She was a rape victim, so anytime White people claim her, they are basically celebrating the near-genocide of her tribe and her kidnapping and rape after her husband was killed. Either way, she was forced into the predicament by the people who celebrate the horrible things they did to her people. Then again, some of y'all still celebrate Hitler.

D. The tribes that were considered "civilized" by White people, were those who enacted the "Pocahontas" rule, and once they became entrenched within the tribe, they betrayed the Indigenous who allowed it to happen, killed the children and suddenly, somehow that tribe is White, have blue eyes, and are also descendants of the $5 Indians who came over during the Homestead Acts and for a mere $5 they too are now an Indian, or a East/West/North/South Division Cherokee (a.k.a they are White people who paid $5 to claim someone's heritage and land.) So even Kokoum's older brother, got his karma for betraying his own family by the same Europeans he helped. So in the context of this thread, the Indigenous only became untrustworthy when they started working with the Europeans against their own people, and that still happens today.. (Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Ben Carson, et. al.)

But aside from that, most of their mixed children with White people, will claim their Indigenous heritage because they want nothing to do with White people. We have seen a rise in those who identify as Colored, Black or Multi-ethnic on the most recent census for this reason.

So, perhaps that might be why many educated White people arent as proud to claim that, as their racist ancestors were. I mean who would be proud to be Scottish, if they found out their grandfather came to this country and enriched his family by kidnapping African children and raping them producing new slaves which lead to them being wealthy centuries later? This is a shared history, but of course, the Venn diagram of people who are proud to be descended child rapists, and support white supremacy is a complete circle. But even that is changing too.. so in short, it is like even White people are tired of White people, and I have heard White people up here say the same thing.. lol

Anyway, sorry for the digression, (I am a huge politics, legal and history nerd.. lol) but that was how I found mine and I know exactly where in Ireland they were from too and I can't wait to visit there one day.. the castle they lived in still stands today..) And I know, because some of my Italian ancestors passed through Ellis Island and as such, because they never owned slaves, much like the Irish who were indentured, is why the idea of acknowledging them in my heritage doesn't trigger my gag reflex like the rest of them. I have quite a few nobility and royalty in my tree from overseas but I refuse to acknowledge it because of their role in the slave trade, and the genocide of others and thr near-genocide of my ancestors.

Which is a shame because since I did my genealogy, I have discovered that much of the people I read in my high school and college history books were my ancestors.. I will say that it is cool being descended from both Lewis and Clark. I know one is my 13th cousin and the other an uncle but I forget which. And even then, relied on the Indigenous people in their exploration A Black freedman named York, and Sacagawea.

At any rate, you guys should try it, it is fun and a good way to look into health history too.. and even learn about your ancestors culture and lifestyle. If you need links, let me know but you'll never know who you'll be related to. You might even find a few cousins on this forum.. lol
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I would pick an Indegenous tribe because I am afraid of being poisined by snakes.
I guess you learned CRT was a myth and it was the other way around then huh?
Who is offended here? I just answered the question posted and posted a detailed reason why. I am sorry that you were offended.

That said though, facts don't care about your feelings and I only deal in facts since there are way too many people dealing in bullshit already. (H/T to Benny Johnson, Trump, Ben Shapiro, et. al.)

And the tide has long been changing on Indiana Jones.

DS, if you look into the reason WHY it was renamed and you'll have your answer why it was changed and why it is racist. The same goes for if you look up why Indiana Jones is considered racist. This is an article that explains its origin.. it was one result among many.

The latter usually precedes the former. Whenever people learn new things, they do better, education usually brings positive change, which is why the Neanderthals thst support Trump hate it.. they will cling on to their mediocrity thinking that it hurts everyone else, when it only hurts them the most.. clinging on to hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.. and y'all (this is innocuous, not directed at anyone here) are dropping off like flies. Anyway the White people I mentioned in my last post are a prime example of learning better and evolving as a result. That is a big reason why it and other racist monuments are being renamed. We shouldn't celebrate hate, there is enough of that shit already. Really if we ever got our shit together and shunned the hate this country would be even better than it is now.

That said, Columbus never discovered shit because his genocidal, rapist, racist, Neanderthal ass never made it here.. and he couldn't even steer his own ship, he relied on an Indigenous Spaniard named Pedro Alonzo Nino whom Columbus called "El Negro" who knew all of the maritime trade routes because he sailed all over the world trading with the Indigenous on every continent and both American continents were named after Amerigo Vespucci, a map maker who obviously knew more about the planet than Columbus.

And the story of him discovering America came about in the 1930s when immigration officials wanted to know why Italians should be let into the country and some famous writer came up with that bullshit story in response.

And before it caught on, they were lynching Italians as often as they did Black people and until this bullshit story took hold. And as such, Italians weren't considered White until WWI and/or WW2.. (compare that to the fact that the Irish were never enslaved as they had their White status here since the first census was taken in 1790.

I wil say that it is very telling how Whiteness is and has historically been measured in a group's willingness to be cruel to another non-White group. And yet, as a case in point in this topic, y'all are the ones worried about another group of people doing to you what your ancestors did to everyone else and is still ongoing today.. since you guys are the ones that sit atop the companies that make their money invading Black and Brown countries for resources you didn't earn.. and others make their money financially abusing people in African countries. You guys have historically been the most violent race of people since you stumbled out of wherever your ancestors came from.. (I forget where but they are in a museum) and yet, you're worried about the Indigenous? Indigenous people make up the majority of people in the world and the ones that had families with White people, don't claim the White/European heritage at all, sure some may be because they want to claim Indigenous heritage the same way y'all claim and call Mataoka Amonute Powhatan (a.k.a. Pochahontas) as an "Indian Princess" when:

A. She was married when y'all kidnapped her, killed her family and her husband Kokoum, because the English were such trustworthy people that they convinced Kokoum's older brother to betray his family which lead to most of the tribe being slaughtered, while they kidnapped Pochahontas, raped her aboard the ship and then married her off to John Rolfe just so y'all can claim her land.

B. The Indigenous society is matriarichal, so titles, land, etc are passed down through the mother, and the women are revered much like it is elsewhere except Europe, and any place they colonized where it is the polar opposite. This is why the tribes don't recognize blood relation as criteria for recognition and the ones that do, are probably extinct. I mean most people who claim Pochahontas don't even know what tribes her family was from aside from Powhatan, let alone the pre-Colonial name of the land they were from.

C. She was a rape victim, so anytime White people claim her, they are basically celebrating the near-genocide of her tribe and her kidnapping and rape after her husband was killed. Either way, she was forced into the predicament by the people who celebrate the horrible things they did to her people. Then again, some of y'all still celebrate Hitler.

D. The tribes that were considered "civilized" by White people, were those who enacted the "Pocahontas" rule, and once they became entrenched within the tribe, they betrayed the Indigenous who allowed it to happen, killed the children and suddenly, somehow that tribe is White, have blue eyes, and are also descendants of the $5 Indians who came over during the Homestead Acts and for a mere $5 they too are now an Indian, or a East/West/North/South Division Cherokee (a.k.a they are White people who paid $5 to claim someone's heritage and land.) So even Kokoum's older brother, got his karma for betraying his own family by the same Europeans he helped. So in the context of this thread, the Indigenous only became untrustworthy when they started working with the Europeans against their own people, and that still happens today.. (Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Ben Carson, et. al.)

But aside from that, most of their mixed children with White people, will claim their Indigenous heritage because they want nothing to do with White people. We have seen a rise in those who identify as Colored, Black or Multi-ethnic on the most recent census for this reason.

So, perhaps that might be why many educated White people arent as proud to claim that, as their racist ancestors were. I mean who would be proud to be Scottish, if they found out their grandfather came to this country and enriched his family by kidnapping African children and raping them producing new slaves which lead to them being wealthy centuries later? This is a shared history, but of course, the Venn diagram of people who are proud to be descended child rapists, and support white supremacy is a complete circle. But even that is changing too.. so in short, it is like even White people are tired of White people, and I have heard White people up here say the same thing.. lol

Anyway, sorry for the digression, (I am a huge politics, legal and history nerd.. lol) but that was how I found mine and I know exactly where in Ireland they were from too and I can't wait to visit there one day.. the castle they lived in still stands today..) And I know, because some of my Italian ancestors passed through Ellis Island and as such, because they never owned slaves, much like the Irish who were indentured, is why the idea of acknowledging them in my heritage doesn't trigger my gag reflex like the rest of them. I have quite a few nobility and royalty in my tree from overseas but I refuse to acknowledge it because of their role in the slave trade, and the genocide of others and thr near-genocide of my ancestors.

Which is a shame because since I did my genealogy, I have discovered that much of the people I read in my high school and college history books were my ancestors.. I will say that it is cool being descended from both Lewis and Clark. I know one is my 13th cousin and the other an uncle but I forget which. And even then, relied on the Indigenous people in their exploration A Black freedman named York, and Sacagawea.

At any rate, you guys should try it, it is fun and a good way to look into health history too.. and even learn about your ancestors culture and lifestyle. If you need links, let me know but you'll never know who you'll be related to. You might even find a few cousins on this forum.. lol
And my family history was Dutch immigrants. When the politics of apeshit reparations "equity" come into play in modern times it's because they want to game the system against people like me. There were almost no slaves in the North. They fled to the North.
I guess you learned CRT was a myth and it was the other way around then huh?

And my family history was Dutch immigrants. When the politics of apeshit reparations "equity" come into play in modern times it's because they want to game the system against people like me. There were almost no slaves in the North. They fled to the North.
Oof, talk about hit dogs barking..

And nope.

It's not CRT, the word you are looking for is American and Global History, but also, Genealogy, and FYI, my ancestors were Dutch (among others) too, but I don't claim those Neanderthals either. I know exactly who they were, where they lived, how they lived, what ships they sailed on, where they went, and what their cargo was on those ships and where they came from and what their role was in the Trans-Continental Slave Trade as well as the horrific events that still exist today.

It is a domino effect and Slavery was ONLY the beginning. I would advise you to read some books on the subject, but I sincerely doubt that you'd understand them any more than you have understood anything thus far. You might have better luck with genealogy, if you need some links, let me know, it really is a fun, and educational hobby.

As I said before, it is a SHARED history. But not only do I have the written history, from their fucked up perspective, because since they were Neanderthals, (racist, uneducated, and unevolved White people, hence the distinction from educated White people) and were immensely proud of it, but I have their bloodline too. You have to pay Ancestry.com a FUCKTON of money to access the international DNA database as well. I did, and that is how I know this.

That said, like your hero, you are full of shit.

And like I said before in the Biden re-election thread, it isn't even the useful kind of shit that can be used to grow things, it is the kind of shit that it more harmful to your personal and intellectual growth as a human being, as you've so proudly displayed, but even that isn't my business. But since you are a Benny Johnson, et. al, disciple, don't expect me to take you seriously. It's been nice exchanging with you, but you are boxing well above your intellectual weight class.

I've done my genealogy, and unlike you, I actually know what I am talking about here.. and the Europeans raped a lot of men, women and children once they came over here.. and they are still doing it today.

I know, because they are my ancestors too. And many of my enslaved Indigenous African ancestors were in single digits when they first gave birth to their Neanderthal master's child. But unlike you, I don't claim child rapists, nor Neanderthal mediocrity.. so I guess you gotta be proud of something, so you may as well wear THAT with pride.

I see no pride in being descended from genetically inferior, Neanderthals who invaded, kidnapped, raped and genocided human beings and then trafficked them to the lands they stole from my Indigenous American ancestors.

Like I said before, facts don't care about your feelings.

But you do you, and have a nice day. :)
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Why did this turn into a racial issue? I missed the memo where the tribes that are quarantined on islands all around the world was a racial thing.
Why did this turn into a racial issue? I missed the memo where the tribes that are quarantined on islands all around the world was a racial thing.
Were you talking about uncontacted tribes, as in those that are protected? Such as the ones still in Brazil, etc.?

I was responding to AV's Indiana Jones comment and went from there. And I responded in detail to DS, and explain what I meant in my previous post, from that point onward. If I knew how to multi-quote different people without crashing my mobile browser I would have.. lol

So I apologize for the digression and the confusion.

I honestly didn't think of the uncontacted tribes as they are protected by their countries government, and are COMPLETELY different from the Indigenous tribes that are not and were subject to extinction from the Europeans.


Either way, it was an interesting question.

And since I know that you might've been referring to the uncontacted tribes, then I would choose the snakes. The tribes do not play around.

I read years ago about an American who made contact with the Andaman people against the wishes of the government, and they killed and cannibalized him.

You'd think that people would learn, but they don't and that is why I would choose the snakes, as long as there are rodents, they will leave me alone..
Were you talking about uncontacted tribes, as in those that are protected? Such as the ones still in Brazil, etc.?

I was responding to AV's Indiana Jones comment and went from there. And I responded in detail to DS, and explain what I meant in my previous post, from that point onward. If I knew how to multi-quote different people without crashing my mobile browser I would have.. lol

So I apologize for the digression and the confusion.

I honestly didn't think of the uncontacted tribes as they are protected by their countries government, and are COMPLETELY different from the Indigenous tribes that are not and were subject to extinction from the Europeans.


Either way, it was an interesting question.

And since I know that you might've been referring to the uncontacted tribes, then I would choose the snakes. The tribes do not play around.

I read years ago about an American who made contact with the Andaman people against the wishes of the government, and they killed and cannibalized him.

You'd think that people would learn, but they don't and that is why I would choose the snakes, as long as there are rodents, they will leave me alone..

Those are the ones, yes, but they're still called indigenous people though.