E3 Xbox mini fridge


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A satirical trailer for the tie-in item confirmed that they will be available to purchase this holiday season, after a number of promotional versions were sent out to influencers last year.

Series X fridges have been a running joke among Xbox fans ever since the console was first revealed in December 2019, which led to various memes comparing its unique design to that of a refrigerator.
That's actually pretty cool that they're going ahead with it. I think everyone thought it was a joke a little while ago. I wonder what the price point will be because I can't imagine it being too cheap.
Got an update:

The company announced that pre-orders for the product begin on October 19, with units arriving at retailers in December. In addition, Xbox fans learned that the price of the mini fridge is $99.99 and is being sold exclusively at Target in the US.
Their is no doubt, it resembles refrigerator cos of how it is made. But it doesn't matter much, provided the video game console delivers top gameplay.
Their is no doubt, it resembles refrigerator cos of how it is made. But it doesn't matter much, provided the video game console delivers top gameplay.

It does resemble a fridge because it is a fridge, it isn't a game console :p

Yeah, saw someone complaining about that on Reddit. It seems that the resellers are already selling it on eBay for $300+ which is just crazy.

Just crazy.
You can't play a fridge, at least not yet. Plus all the pre-orders sold out.
Hmm, that means it's not officially released, since it was going through pre-order. Is their any latest update concerning when this fridge- like device will become playable?
next month I think it comes out? Again, its a fridge, you can't play any games on it.
I got your points now demon skeith. Let's wait and get it's official release, if their is any difference with other fridge.