Xbox used to kill


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The Sun-Sentinel of Fort Lauderdale reported this week that cops in Broward County, Fla. found a "broken and bloody Xbox 360," next to the body of Monica Gooden, 20. Her boyfriend, Darrius Johnson, apparently admitted killing her, but it gets a lot weirder.

Johnson said he "sacrificed" her, that Gooden "had control of his spirit," and that he had to sacrifice someone with a Taurus astrological sign. Gooden was not born under that sign, incidentally. Three knives were found at the scene, a more likely cause of Gooden's death though, who knows.

The Sun-Sentinel reported that Gooden "did not have defensive wounds on her hands," indicating that a ritual stabbing may have taken place while she was overpowered—or after being beaten unconscious by an Xbox 360.

A police report said Johnson told cops Gooden "would not die" and that he "fought her like he was fighting a dragon." Johnson is being held without bail in the Broward County jail.

More and more crazies out there....
WOW! The people in this world are getting crazier and crazier. 1) Why would you kill someone? 2) Why kill someone with an xbox :O
I know there are some reasons that can be used to justify killing... (Self-defence being a major one), but this just screams of psychological issues. This man clearly had deep rooted issues and needed help. 

I just hope that the media portrays this accurately... In that this was a man with psychological issues who killed a woman. Not try to skew things that games made this man violent or that they caused him to kill. (He very likely already had issues and games had little to do with it. The only real game related thing in this case is that he knocked her out with an Xbox... which if someone tried to make a case that games are violent out of that, it'd be very easy to turn that around into something like: "A toaster could be used to bludgeon someone too. Does that mean toast/breakfast is now violent too?")
First of all - people are stupid to even think that this would get them any publicity. Second - What was he thinking using an Xbox to do what he did? Third - then taking it in a knifing perspective, to cover up the Xbox incident... Seriously?! Just plain dumb.
DCoachM said:
First of all - people are stupid to even think that this would get them any publicity. Second - What was he thinking using an Xbox to do what he did? Third - then taking it in a knifing perspective, to cover up the Xbox incident... Seriously?! Just plain dumb.
To be fair, this made the news and we are talking about it, so technically this idiot did get his publicity after all..

As fucked up as that is..
Lol i never thought the Xbox was made that strong i feel sorry for the person who is dead and i feel sorry for the Xbox