Xbox720 features are annoying


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I just read all of these dumb confirmed Xbox720 features.

It looks like they are really forcing users to change over.

-The system now has some type of cable feature to overlay your tv channels. It's a VIDEO GAME SYSTEM you JERKS!!!

-The Kinect sensor is must be connected for the system to function as it will detect when people leave the room so it can shut the system down and other dumb features. Quit forcing everyone to have all of your dumb stuff!!!

I find is really annoying that video game systems seem to be forcing people to jump into what they want. I have absolutely no desire to have my video game system do automatic updates on facebook and I don't want to buy a video game system to watch tv. Stupid, stupid, stupid....
What features have they confirmed? (Is there a list of features?)

Though I agree that I don't want a videogame system to try to be facebook (or be forced to integrate with it at all, I don't want my real life and game life to be connected at all. I don't have facebook and I don't want to get it. If they want to make facebook integration optional then I'm ok with that provided it remains optional. )
Maybe Microsoft is trying to make the Xbox  more fun to the largest amount of gamers instead of just hardcore gamers since a lot of kids, teens, and young adults like Kinect/motion games, Social networking while older people like watching TV, Movies, and sitcoms.

I saw on TV that motion games are popular with non-gamers like senior citizens as well when the Wii came out.

The Kinect Shutting a Console off when no one is in the room is a good idea since it will save electricity.
Does that mean you have to buy the Kinect seperately and you must have it to use the Xbox or will it come with the Xbox?
If the Kinect needing to be connected to the Xbox rumor is true, most likely the Next Xbox will come with Kinect.
I honestly believe consoles are on the downhill path to failure. Save up some extra chunks of change, and invest in a proper gaming PC. Youll appreciate your decision/save money down the road.
froggyboy604 said:
If the Kinect needing to be connected to the Xbox rumor is true, most likely the Next Xbox will come with Kinect.
Wouldn't that make the next console more expensive?
I'm not sure since Microsoft can install a smaller hard drive which is cheaper, and bundle the Kinnect without raising the price.

The Wii U cost between 271-370 dollars on Amazon, and it comes with a tablet controller, so I think if Microsoft tries hard enough the price would be under $500.
I think the most annoying thing would be having to download games onto your console from the CD which might mean an end to pre-owned games!
I agree some of these new features on the PS4, Wii U, and Next Xbox are bad for gamers since they raises the price of the console, or make owning consoles more expensive because of the need for a tablet like the Wii U, the need to own a Kinect for the Next Xbox, and a controller with a share, and touchpad on the PS3 controller, and the end of used games.

Wing has a good point that buying a Gaming PC is a good idea with all the weird features in future consoles which not everyone want.

At least, with a Gaming PC, games, are cheaper, and you'll have a fast PC, so you do not have to upgrade the RAM, and video card as much as those budget PCs which only come with 2-3GB of RAM, a slow CPU, and onboard video which may make using Windows slow, and unstable because of weaker parts on cheap computer.

It is also easy to uninstall programs like Media Players, web browsers, and other features you don't need on a Gaming PC while with consoles you can't remove the social networking, media players, web browsers, and other apps and features which come with the console.