Xbox One Xbox's New Parents App


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Got a kid with an Xbox? Your controller of their actions is now in the palm of your hand.
Now where is Sony's version of this?

I feel it will take longer for Sony to make a Parental control app if most Sony's console owners' are 14 years or older where they should be responsible for controlling how much time they spend playing games.
I've never heard of this but I will say this is good for parents who don't want their kids to play games that would cause them to see gore and things that wouldn't be right for someone that age.
I'm sure a lot of parents will find this a great app. Wouldn't like it if my parents had it though when I was younger.
Imagine how responsible the parents are. I did not expect that in the modern day and age. Imagine this kid streaming mid-Fortnite and the parent isn't having any of it. :madlaugh:
We found this app awesome for our kids. Not so much the times, as that was easy to do first hand, but all the feature, rating, social, etc limits and restrictions were appreciated. Although the app as a whole always felt like it was designed by someone who never used it, a Microsoft trend with many of their apps.