Multi Yacht Club Games' Mina the Hollower Kickstarter funded within 24 hours


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After years of building up Shovel Knight, Yacht Club Games is moving forward with a new title called Mina the Hollower, it’s a retro-homage to Game Boy classics like Link’s Awakening and Castlevania. Mina the Hollower was revealed as part of the Yacht Club Games Presents event on G4 today, which showed the 8-bit inspired top-down adventure game in action. You play as a mouse navigating dungeons and taking down enemies with a whip. There are traps, hidden secrets, and the ability to burrow underground to evade attacks and side-step obstacles.

You can check out the kickstater below, which at this time has reached its $311,500 goal withing 24 hours, WOW!.

I love how it looks like Castlevania x Link's Awakening. I'll definitely check this game once it comes out. It also looks like a good game to play in October so if it comes out and I'm drowning in games, I'll just make it a Halloween game lol.
Definitely looks like a vein of Shovel Knight artistry and design. Having a layer of depth with the underground map design when burrowing and having a slew of moving and attacking options. It has that Game Boy Color look where the tiles and characters have limited color palettes. I feel like anyone could think this up, but only Yacht Club Games can put the polish on a design that works.