You can now rate purchased PSN games


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Unexpectedly, Sony appears to have added the ability to rate games to the PlayStation Store. The change was noted by journalists and users earlier this week and seems to have been implemented without an official announcement. The new system allows players who have purchased a game for the PS4 or PS5 to rate it on a scale of one to five stars. Further, anyone browsing in the store can see what the average rating of a game is at the current moment.

So yeah, anyone here happy for this?
Funny they make a function that has been on the 3DS eShop since launch.
I guess it combats the ability to "rate bomb" in that you cant rate the game until you've actually played it.
I think storing many millions of individual user game ratings on PSN server can use a lot of database storage space, and use more server bandwidth, RAM and CPU resources when people use a game rating system which could be one of the reasons that it took PSN so long to add game ratings in the past when fast web hosting service and servers cost a lot more money.
Didn't even realise that it wasn't a thing before. I'll still be relying on video reviews though