Your Classic Game?


Insane, but humble
Do you know which game is the one that you name as your favourite Classic Game? Do you know which game you used to play when you were little and you were instantly hooked on it? That one game that you can get almost limitless memories from? That one game that you can still play even today despite its age? That one game that you can define truly a classic gaming masterpiece?

Mine is Super Mario 64. Oh the stories I can tell with this one. Good memories is all that comes from that game. Oh how I love that game so much. When I was little I remember being scared of Boo's Mansion and I creeped around slowly. That frustrating 3rd bowser fight took me, dare I say it, around 40-50 times becuase of that star shape arena. The peacefull sounds of Dire Dire docks were lovely. Getting all 120 stars was a challege. But It was a fun challenge. The Game was truly a one of a kind.








Good Times.
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I have two classic games, both for very different reasons.

My first classic game is Chrono Trigger because to this day, I can start a new save file and get excited about the adventure that is about to unfold in front of me. I love all of the characters, the plot twists, events... Everything! THIS game was truly one of a kind. ;p


The second game that I love is quite simple, Jumping Flash. This was one of the first games I was introduced to after my Nintendo died. It really filled a gap in my life for a long time. I loved the jumping rabbit and the carrot rockets and everything about this game. It was fast paced and crazy and I loved it for what it was, a fun game.

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Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED. Pure freakin' fun, dude. The replay value is very high, because of all the stuff you have to get. Gems, relics, secret areas... etc.
Majora's Mask is one of my favorite games from a while back. I went from playing Ocarina of Time to some of the GBA games and skipped this one until I finally played it a little on console in one of those hotel rooms. After that, I bought it, and have played it many times through.
Pokemon Gold version was my favorite game of all time (until Crystal Version was released). The Pokemon games have always been (and still are) some of my favorite games.