Your favorite movie related to religion?


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Do you have a favorite movie that is related to religion (any of the major religions; it doesn't have to be one in particular)? There are several Christian movies released every year, but many of them are either for TV or Netflix or straight to DVD.

I thought to ask this question because I recently found out that Mel Gibson is working on a sequel to his famous The Passion Of The Christ movie.
If I remember my classes right, most movies are tied to religion.
I've got all the Chronicles of Narnia movies on dvd and I've watched all of them in theaters when they came out. These movies are a work of fiction brought to life by C. S. Lewis in his books by the same name. C. S. Lewis used several several Christian themes during the series. Does that count?
What were the Christian themes in Narnia? I can't seem to think of any. I remember watching the Passion of Christ in RE back in secondary school. Everyone was so happy to finally watch a film instead of doing any work :grin:
Aslan, the Lion, is suppose to represent Jesus Christ. In the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, when Aslan died during the movie and came back, that was suppose to represent Jesus dying on the cross and resurrecting afterwards.