Your Game Settings


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What kind of game settings do you often use in video games for like sound level, brightness, subtitles, ect.
I run my TV on low brightness because games flash too much. My sound I run with a turtlebeach headset with I usually have set to very loud unless the game is too intense. I get right into video games so sometimes they will get my heart going in which I turn the volume down. For subtitles I usually run with spanish if available just for educational reasons.
I normally use the default settings. If the sound is too low, I'll change it (like Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - I had to change an option on the sound settings / not volume) 
I normally don't change anything. As long as the y-axis is not inverted that is. Can't stand that. 
I just use the default options for game consoles, and sometimes set the video quality to medium or low for computer games which need a better video card, CPU, or more RAM.
I very rarely adjust settings like the brightness, contrast, or controls. In certain games I might adjust the sounds, for example like in the GTA games where you can adjust the action sounds vs the music. One thing I'll always change though is subtitles, no matter what the game is I'll always put them on right away if available.