Your Summer Gaming


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Well it's summer meaning people are off from school or have vacations to use. What do you plan to play this summer to keep you out of the heat?

My plan so far is:

Ni no Kuni Wrath of the white witch (just about beaten)
Mario and Luigi dream team
child of light
Gundam dynasty 4
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma
Legend of dragoon(?)
My plan is to buy a ps3, since mine died 2 months ago. And finally play Dark Souls 2. 

I could buy it on PC, but Dark Souls is one of those games I'd prefer on my console rather than my pc.
I want to get back into Skyrim and maybe Battlefield. I definitely want to start playing the Sims again in preparation for the Sims 4 release!
So far all my life I've purposely never beat Tomb Raider 1 and 2, for nostalgic purposes. However, this Summer I just may beat those two favorites on my PSPGo. Perhaps also Pokemon Fire Red.
I am currently trying to take summer off from gaming. Winter was brutal I couldn't really go anywhere. I want to take full advantage of the nice weather because winter is going to be here again before I know it. Then I will get back to gaming.

I am going to take a couple weeks of vacation before starting to work so therefore I am going to be outside a lot with my friends, travel and discover new places. In conclusion I will  play little during the summer or not at all.