Your Wireless Mouse and Keyboard Can Be Hacked to Gain Control of Your PC


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The wireless link between your mouse and dongle might not be as useful as you think. A new hack shows that the links are often unencrypted and can be used to gain control of your computer.

Security researchers from Bastille Networks have found that non-Bluetooth wireless keyboards manufactured by Logitech, Dell, and Lenovo don’t encrypt communication between the input device and the dongle plugged into a computer’s USB slot. That’s allowed them to create an attack—that they’re calling Mousejack—which injects commands into the dongle.

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I wonder can wireless PC Gamepad controllers can also be hacked to inject commands into the dongle.
Probably. I would be willing to bet wireless console controllers could be hacked too. I remember seeing some articles about the FOBs that are used to remotely lock/unlock cars can be easily hacked, too. Sometimes it makes you wonder if all this wireless tech is worth it if companies don't invest enough into securing it.
So where does my logtech mouse fit in all of this?
I don't really like wireless because of the battery life and the speed against the two. Playing games you will notice. If you get hacked you definitely see the difference right away by the mouse pointer on the screen that is moving around and you have no control. So the first and easy thing is unplug the usb stick that is linked and run the scan for malware.

Everything is wireless, not just a flippin cheep keyboard. So what's the other factors with linked a phone to a computer and a wireless router and wireless radio. Even the televisions that can be controlled by a network for online movie's or shows.

Hackers probably will hack into self driving cars in the future. So be settings in a car with no control and going to somewhere by a hackers. Probably over the cliff and die.
So where does my logtech mouse fit in all of this?

I think your wireless Logitech mouse maybe using an unencrypted connection according to the article which makes your mouse easier to hack into to inject commands into your PC.
Can't really get that worse. Can it? Ohh yeah! An bomb in the hardware
We walk the tightrope of life everyday.
Our phone is around us in bed and pocket near your wallet with bank card. Walking dead is the new phone
Don't sit down otherwise your phone will be dead lol.

You find that older people forget things and by saying that they do forget their phone :p