Your worst five games of all time


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Well, if the other topic was for your favourites, how about the ones you most hate? That's the purpose of this topic.
5. Final Fanstasy the Crystal Bearers. I won't lie from what I know if FF, it's not FF and it's not fair.
4. The Elderscrolls Marrowwind. I just don't get it. There's nothing to do in the game.
3. The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. I hated the graphics, the plot was bad, the sailing was boring. I couldn't stand how bad the game was.
2. Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks. I hated the train and it wasn't fun to play at all. Also the graphics thing. And the horrible gameplay.
1. Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass. Graphics were bad, the gameplay was horrible, the replay value was bad, it was too easy, and
IT WAS A FREAKING DREAM. I hate games that are dreams. I don't feel accomplished when I win. That's why I didn't like SMB2 all that much.
You really are a troll. There's nothing wrong with cel-shading.
Say what you want. I'm not a troll. I hate cel-shading. It gives me headaches to stare at it. It's the truth and if you people don't believe fine, but it happens to other people too.

Also I got it because I love LoZ. It's just a hit and miss. For example I know I'm going to hate SS, but I'm getting it anyway.
People, people, lettuce ("let us", BAHAHAHAHAHAHA) calm down and carry on with the topic. For me, I'm going on the worst five games I've owned (so not played).

5. Top Gear Rally 2 (N64)
---Okay, it wasn't that bad, but hey, I haven't got the fondest memories of it.

4. Simpson's Hit & Run (Gamecube)
---It just got old quick. Multiplayer was stupid and pointless. Good for a playthrough and a laugh, but once it was done, it was done.

3. Driver: Parallel Lines (Wii)
---This was a Christmas present when I got my Wii. Not sure if anybody looked at the rating or whatever, but they must've seen the drawing of a car on the front and assumed it was a driving game. It was some weird cinematic experience about driving, getting laid and plenty more. Dodgy gameplay though after the first playthrough. Retarded as crap story.

2. Untitled Soccer game for the SNES
---Another present, this was a pre-owned game that lacked a box, just a SNES cartidge. The game DID NOT have the title of it clearly in the game, and the menu system was atrocious; images instead of text, I did not know what the hell I was doing. Decent gameplay, crappy interface, basically.

1. The Jungle Book (SNES)
---Awful because it had no game-save system. Seriously. Turn it off, start from the beginning. Not even a password system was in the game. I had to cheat just to see the end because the levels were so tedious or frustrating. Music was enough to make you stab yourself with one of Mowlgi's bananas from the inifinte supply he seemed to have in his pants.

1. Final Fantasy XIII - Its 60+ hours of walking through a hallway and mashing X whenever something comes by you. Its more fun watching the game then actually playing it because the game is made of eyecandy.
2. WoW - GRIND GRIND GRIND GRIND FETCH QUEST GRIND GRIND KILL X AMOUNT OF THIS MONSTER TO GET X GRIND GRIND GRIND... Its a soulless game. It takes no skill to play, all you need is an ass load of time on your hands.
3. Mass Effect 1+2 - I really don't hate the games per-say, I just found it dull and uninviting. The story is generic and the characters are flat and forgettable. The whole choice system is bullocks, it barely has an effect on the outcome of the game. Its either, "YOU DID GOOD STUFF, AWESOME!" or, "YOU WERE KIND OF A DICK, BUT SHIT HAD TO BE DONE." Don't even get me started on the romances...
4. Bioshock 2 - Its more disappointment then hate. It still has a great atmosphere and music, but the game really lacks in what made Rapture... well Rapture. Being a Big Daddy was probably the main reason for this, it made you fell invincible and above everyone else. Whereas playing as a human gave you a sense of helplessness and fear. The good/bad choices still sucked (I don't know why developers do this, it always turns out horribly.) and the multiplayer was shallow.

Say what you want. I'm not a troll. I hate cel-shading. It gives me headaches to stare at it. It's the truth and if you people don't believe fine, but it happens to other people too.

Also I got it because I love LoZ. It's just a hit and miss. For example I know I'm going to hate SS, but I'm getting it anyway.

But Okami and Viewtiful Joe are both cel-shaded and they're some of the best games of our generation!
5. Sonic Drift

Um... wow. Where to start? It's ugly, boring, and the lasting appeal is about 30 seconds. Worst racing game ever.

4. Wario: Master of Disguise

I didn't think it was really fun.

3. Donkey Kong

I don't know why people think it's so great. I can't even get that far in it.

2. Chess


1. Call of Duty: Black Ops


1. Take Modern Warfare
2. Add slightly new stuff
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!!!!!

In before thumbs down...
But Okami and Viewtiful Joe are both cel-shaded and they're some of the best games of our generation!
I don't like Okami either and I have no clue what Viewtiful Joe is. All I know is that the character looks a bit homosexual in MvC3.
I don't like Okami either and I have no clue what Viewtiful Joe is. All I know is that the character looks a bit homosexual in MvC3.


Why didnt you like Okami? Its like zelda but you're a freaking wolf in japan!
Kinda rips off TP with the wolf idea, but the beginning is boring as hell if that's anything. I tried to get past it in an LP, but it was too boring.
Kinda rips off TP with the wolf idea, but the beginning is boring as hell if that's anything. I tried to get past it in an LP, but it was too boring.

Yeah they were released at the same time, but in no way does it rip off TP. Thats like saying Prototype ripped off Infamous.

You play as a god in the form of a wolf in okami, in TP you play as a kid who is transformed into a wolf because of crazy dark magic.

Not to mention the combat is set up completely different with the whole brush system.
Yeah they were released at the same time, but in no way does it rip off TP. Thats like saying Prototype ripped off Infamous.

You play as a god in the form of a wolf in okami, in TP you play as a kid who is transformed into a wolf because of crazy dark magic.

Not to mention the combat is set up completely different with the whole brush system.

Never played Okami before but their Original Soundtracks are just AMAZING as heck!

Moving on to my worst games...

I only have one so far. Pretty much have to say Mario Party 4 wasn't as fun as the rest of the Mario Parties. Except the fact of Volleyball and Panel Panic which made me keep the game.
All I know is that the character looks a bit homosexual in MvC3.
How can one "look homosexual"?
Gay people look different from us?
You can look at someone, and just by looking at them, identify their sexual preference?
I don't know what your logic is but I find it to be incredibly offensive.
Homosexuals are just people, like you, me, or anyone else. Their sexual preference doesn't change their look and their look doesn't change their sexual preference.