You're Banned

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Banned for participating in this fail, yet funny forum game with no real purpose other than wasting our lives slowly until we die of old age OR STD's.
Banned, because the world will end on December 21, 2012!
Banned, because you highlighted this text to find out what it said.
banned for overusing jokes
in all fairness, it was his idea

banned for letting little jimmy play in the road
banned because the clone got hit by a truck and died, thats still murder
Banned, because it is funny what the character says when he is defeated on this video:
Banned, because it was based off of Yoshi and your banned a second time, because Yoshi is my favorite Nintendo character.
Banned because 21.
Haha. That's great. Yeah. Changing from 12 to 21 just to appear older.. humorous.
Banned because I'm jealous of the ghost luma idea.
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