You're Banned

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You're banned for talking about school.
You're banned because you are so right. I shouldn't be talking about school-DANG IT!
You're banned because my brother went shopping today while I'm saving for a Wii U.
Your banned because I can't join the Pokemon VGC...and I believe my future teams will never be better than the ones I can make right now. );
You're banned because tomorrow's school. DDAANNGG IITT!!!!!!
You're banned for getting 8th place on the count to 1,000,000 forum knowing I'll never make my mark in history on that forum.
You're banned for never accomplishing anything in life.
You're banned for being lucky and for having hopes to accomplish something one day.
Banned, because I read some old posts of mine from 2011 - 2012 in this topic.
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You're banned because I wanted to enter a competition for a WiiU but found it too late and I can't make good videos to enter.
You're banned for not reading the spoiler.

Now you're banned for reading this fake spoiler. It could have been something dirty but you still decided to read it.
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